
Flintridge Guild of Children’s Hospital preps for return of ‘Great Chocolate Race’

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The Great Chocolate Race will be staged in La Cañada Flintridge again this spring, according to the event’s sponsoring group, Flintridge Guild of Children’s Hospital Los Angeles.

The event will take place on Sunday, May 5, beginning at 9 a.m. near the intersection of Foothill Boulevard and Cornishon Avenue.

This will be the fourth year the race has been organized by the Flintridge Guild. The event includes breakfast following the race, T-shirts and medals for those who complete the 2.5K or 5K walk/run. Water and enticing chocolate treats are offered at stops set up along the course to encourage participants to keep moving forward. Also, as part of the festival, a Kids Fun Zone is set up in Memorial Park that’s hosted by Teens for the Advancement of Children’s Hospital.

Since February 1949, the Guild has focused on raising funds for the noted pediatric hospital, having formed under a mission statement that included “to assist Children’s Hospital through contributions of service and funds,” according to its website.

Serving as Guild executive officers this year are Kimberly Kessler, president; Savonia Angelica, Patti Kriste and Debbie Post, vice presidents; Soo Kim Choi, membership chair; Randy Stanislawski, treasurer; Maureen Railsback, recording secretary and Delia Cotter, corresponding secretary. They were installed during a Feb. 13 luncheon.

For more information or to sign up for the race, go to To learn more about becoming a member of Flintridge Guild of Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, email
