
The Valley Line: La Cañada VIP float association donors, supporters toast ‘Tree Frog Night’

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Hooray! Our float, “Tree Frog Night,” won the Founder Award at the Rose Parade on New Year’s Day. Congratulations to all our float workers. You are an awesome and dedicated group. Thank you for your enthusiasm and devotion.

Days before learning of the judges’ decision, the La Cañada Flintridge Tournament of Roses Assn. staged its annual Donor Party attended by invited guests who not only support our float monetarily but also through spirit and volunteerism. This party is always held under the 210 Freeway overpass, at the site where the float is bedecked in flowers and other vegetation during the week prior to the parade.

It was a very chilly night when the VIP guests arrived to nibble on tidbits, sip wine and enjoy watching the volunteer decorators gluing all the natural materials onto the float.

Among those seen at the party were Arlene Buchmann, Mary and Stan Charles, Liz and Bob Craven, Caroline Craven, Alison and Mike Davitt, Linda and Scott Deacon, Heather and Rick Dinger, Dee and Fraser Draper, Barbie Eland, Tim Flynn, Sharlyn French, Mary Gant, Becky and Chuck Gelhaar, Pam Gossoo, Carrie and Tim Grochow, Gary Hall, Harriet Hammons, Jeff Helgager, Bobbie and Clyde Hemphill, Jeff Hemphill, Chrissy and James Herrington, Anne Hills, Peggy Hotaling, Pat Hutchins, Bill and Susan Imbriale, Betty Jones, Margaret and Wayne Kruse, Diane and John Landrum, Gloria Lee, Mike and Nancy Leininger, Sarah Marshall, Betsy Merchant, Eremita Miranda, David Moffett, Norman Nelson, Ann Neilson, Kris and Mike O’Connor, Cathy and Pete Palermo, Charlie Plowman Sr., Bill and Brett Pounders, Adam Rahtz, Tim Rahtz, Dorothy Rubino, Bette Ryan, Chuck Terhune, Joe and Lynne Thompson, Julie Thurston, Nancy Thurston, Bob and Laura Van Valer, David and Katy Villegas, Terry Alker, Sara Wickersham, Samantha Wickersham, Pam Wiedenbeck, and John and Nancy Wolhaupter.

“Tree Frog Night” made its farewell tour along Foothill Boulevard this past Saturday, pausing for a few hours at Memorial Park to allow one last close-up of the charming float. People were able to take some flowers home with them as souvenirs. Afterward, it was moved back to the float association’s regular work site on Hampton Road where it will fade into a sweet memory. Who knows what shape it will take for the 2020 Rose Parade? It’s anyone’s guess at this moment, as a contest is underway to help decide just that. Visit for more details.

Jane Napier Neely covers the La Cañada Flintridge social scene. Email her at with news of your special event.
