
Kiwanis Builders Club feeds the needy

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The Kiwanis Builders Club of La Cañada High School 7/8 recently participated in the Neighborhood Food and Clothing Drive to benefit the homeless at the Midnight Mission and other charities.

Members placed collection boxes donated by Republic Services in their school classrooms and passed out fliers requesting donations of food and clothing. The Builders Club collected 15 bags of donations from their schoolmates, and the food was donated to the Midnight Mission, the JPL Eagle Scout Troop 509, to benefit the Union Rescue Mission and to the U.S. Post Office Stamp Out Hunger National Food Drive.

Builder’s Club President Anais Stepanian convinced one of the teachers to offer extra school credit for the club’s participation in the project. Last month 25 of the Builder’s Club members wrote letters to two sick children in Wisconsin and Washington hospitals, sending them books, candy and words of hope and encouragement.

Today, during the final Builder’s Club meeting of this school year, next year’s officers will be elected. Many of the kids leaving eighth grade will become members of the high school’s Kiwanis Key Club next year and continue their community service work.

Next year the La Cañada High School 7/8 Builders Club will participate in numerous service activities including Adopt-A-Grandparent, feeding homeless at the Union Station soup kitchen, volunteering at Pasadena Humane Society, a fundraising project for the Little Red Wagon to aid homeless youth and a tour of the Midnight Mission on Los Angeles Skid Row. New members are welcome. For more information contact La Cañada Kiwanis Builder’s Club advisor Wendy Alane Smith at (310) 770-6384 or visit lacañada
