
All Health’s Breaking Loose: Making the effort to improve


You cannot buy energy — it’s priceless. You can, however, acquire it for free. And while it’s easily spent or wasted, it remains the most coveted commodity on the planet.

So, how do you feel? I’m asking not in a general, casual way, but asking you to take inventory on a deeper level. How do you really feel? Energy is your life force. Without it you can accomplish nothing. But, with an abundance of energy, your options are limitless!

Your level of energy is an accurate barometer of the quality of life you are experiencing. Feeling vigorous, with joy and the energy to move around and do whatever you want, IS how you win the game of life. I’ll ask again — how do you feel? Or to say it another way — how strong is your life force?

Take this quiz to find out just how “alive” you are. On a piece of paper, number 1 through 5. Answer these five questions, rating your overall experience, 10 being a perfect score on the first half of the question and 1 being low on the second half.

1. As you arise in the morning, do you get out of bed easily moving right into the events of the day or do you drag around with “heaviness” until you’ve slung back several cups of coffee or had something to eat?

2. Are you usually calm; shoulders relaxed, with good posture, breathing easily; or more often than not, are you stressed, storing tension in your upper neck, shoulders, low back or belly?

3. Are you perky and alert throughout the workday? Or do you fade in the afternoon using caffeine or food to keep you “alert?”

4. Is exercise part of your routine — do you look forward to exercise because you know it’s going to feel great, or do you drag yourself there and some days even pull the covers up over your head and forget it?

5. On a scale of 1 to 10, rate the relationships in your life. 10 being content and fulfilled, 1 being frustrated, sad or lonely

Total your score:

45-50 You are vital and strong with a body that can support your goals and dreams. You may have been active in sports or other activities and most likely have joy in your life on some level. You are a disciplined person who tries to make healthy choices.

35-45 You may have been born with a sturdy countenance but, along the way have picked up propensities for energy-drainers. Whether it’s toxic food or beverage substances, difficult relationships, or an emotional situation you cannot control, your energy is draining at too fast a rate and it may be time for you to “give back.” Make the decision to focus on your body, health and how you really feel. Add more whole foods to your diet and make sure you get plenty of rest. Remember, you are the one in charge, and now is the time to get your power back and return to the top of your game.

25-35 You’ve allowed chronic situations to continue so long that a toll has been taken physically. It’s time to set aside soda, processed foods, worn-out or toxic relationships. Focus on your ability to move and breathe. Be aware of how oxygen heals and soothes your body. Add more vegetables, greens and fresh juices to your diet. Take some time for yourself and watch for improvement! Challenge yourself to get out in the fresh air, no matter what your level of physical activity is.

25 and under — I recommend seeing a trusted doctor for a thorough exam. Make sure he or she understands clearly what is going on with you emotionally as well as physically. Be descript, open and willing to work toward the goal of more movement, strength, endurance and ultimately, finding balance.

The good news is that you have the power to raise your score. So if your score wasn’t as high as you wanted it to be, you have a chance with every choice you make — the thoughts you choose to think, and the foods you choose to eat, to gain more of “the most coveted commodity on the planet.”

I’ll see you in two weeks.

Love & health,

