
Mazin new president of LC Juniors

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Melissa Mazin, an eight-year resident of La Cañada Flintridge, has been seated as president of the La Cañada Junior Women’s Club, it was announced Tuesday.

Originally from Wilmington, Mass., Mazin graduated from Princeton University with a degree in Spanish. Since moving to Los Angeles in 1992, she has worked at various nonprofit organizations, including AIDS Project Los Angeles, Project Angel Food and Occidental College, and received her master’s degree in Latin American studies from UCLA. Her work experience includes volunteer management, special events planning, leadership development and fundraising.

Since choosing to stay at home with her two children, Mazin has stayed busy with her volunteer pursuits. For the past three years, she has served on the executive board of the Palm Crest Elementary School PTA as assistant vice president of Ways & Means and vice president of communications. In the spring she was honored with a Founders’ Day Award from the La Cañada PTA Council.

Mazin also sits on the board of directors for Princeton AlumniCorps, a public interest internship program for recent graduates. Before assuming the presidency of the La Cañada Junior Women’s Club, she served on its board of directors as parliamentarian and executive vice president. She enjoys playing tennis and bridge. She also blogs about her adventures in local dining at

“It is an honor to serve as president of the La Cañada Junior Women’s Club,” Mazin said. “All of our group’s extraordinary members are engaged in a mind-blowing host of activities — parenting their children, volunteering in the community and pursuing professional careers, to name a few. This is a group of women who put themselves out there and engage the world around them, day in and day out. I’m looking forward to helping guide the club’s efforts to support the Greater La Cañada community as well as our two deserving charities, Pasadena Ronald McDonald House and Five Acres, and the women, children and families that they serve. It’s going to be an exciting and productive year.”
