
Community: Thursday Club to host college admission workshop

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In the award-winning documentary, “In 500 Words or Less,” cameras follow four high school seniors and their families as they spend their final year together navigating the college admission process. The La Cañada Thursday Club will screen this movie at its clubhouse at 4440 Woodleigh Lane at 3 p.m. on Sunday, July 31.

“’In 500 Words or Less’ is an informative and entertaining film which casts light and humor on a stress-filled and important stage of life,” said Thursday Club President Judy Cooper, whose youngest child recently graduated from high school.

“Getting into college today is a family affair as nearly 1.5 million students and their families go through the college admission process each year,” she continued. “While race, geography and socio-economic status affect how the film’s four main characters arrive at their college choices, their emotional stories converge as they all juggle acceptance, rejection, decision-making and letting go. We [at the Thursday Club] hope that our workshop will provide insight and perspective to families embarking on their college admission journeys.”

Following the film, a panel of college counselors, educators and college-bound students will be available for an interactive discussion with the audience. These include Joanna Hartigan, director emerita of college counseling, Flintridge Preparatory School; Jan Roberts, parent educator and newspaper columnist; Sally Spangler, college counselor, La Cañada High School; Emily Toffelmire, assistant director, Undergrad Admissions, University of Southern California. Student panelists include Woody Buck, University of Michigan freshman, Katie Cooper, Emory University freshman; Jordan Platisa, Sonoma State University senior; Steve Shushnar, University of Santa Clara freshman. Interested members of the foothill area communities are invited to attend this program.

For reservations contact Jacquie Townsend, (626) 284-5140. Admission is $10 adults and $5 students, and will be collected at the door. Pizza, salad, drinks, and dessert will be served.

Environmental concerns topic at Kiwanis Club

Barbara Spiegel, M.A., guest speaker at last week’s luncheon meeting of the Kiwanis Club of La Cañada, revealed some freighting statistics about toxins in the environment.

“You must read labels,” warned Spiegel, “and you must be educated. There are 515 chemicals women put on their faces everyday.” She noted that classrooms where children routinely spend their time contain no fewer than 420 toxins.

Spiegel proposed that there are many ways of avoiding toxins and noted that the use of essential oils is one way to dispel toxins. She pointed out that therapeutic essential oils used in aromatherapy are an excellent way to overcome toxins and that these oils are nature’s living energy. She described these oils as lavender and peppermint, and told how lavender oil helps overcome headaches and burns, is calming and helps people sleep, while also being a mood-lifter. She added that peppermint oil is helpful for motion sickness, reduction of fever, weight loss and enhanced concentration

The Kiwanis Club of La Cañada meets weekly at noon at Descanso Gardens on Wednesdays and welcomes new members. Weekly luncheons typically provide for interesting and informative speakers. The major thrust of the work of Kiwanis clubs around the world is focused on helping children.
