
The Valley Line: Dancing their way home for Christmas

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I hope you had memorable holiday celebrations. I certainly did, as we celebrated with my sister, Nubby (don’t ask — the explanation is too long), at her home in San Clemente. It was a stunning day, with the islands of Catalina and San Clemente in sharp focus on the horizon.

The beginning of Christmas week had a slow start. I had a hitch in my gitalong that landed me at Verdugo Hills Hospital for a five-day stay. Of course nobody likes to be hospitalized, but I had exceptional care from doctors and the terrific nursing staff who took great care of me.

There were a couple of events to cheer me up while I was lounging — a beautiful service dog named Liza came to visit. She is a gorgeous dog called a Briard. I had never heard of this breed. With a bit of research, I found out that this French herding dog has been documented in tapestries since the 12th century. It is said that the Marquis de Lafayette brought this dog to America, as did Thomas Jefferson at about the same time.

Another holiday surprise came when a group of carolers made the rounds of the hospital singing Christmas favorites. It was perfect timing, as I was in a “poor me” state of mind. I am well on the road of recovery now, but need to stay quiet for at least a couple of weeks.


Getting into a festive holiday mood, Roy and Lillian Olofson, presidents of the Stardusters Dance Club, chose the theme, “I’ll be home for Christmas,” for the club’s December dinner dance.

Chairs for the event were Peggy Touchstone and Jim Phillips, Margaret Ann and Tom Dunn, Diane and Newt Russell, Jeraldine Saunders and Donald Monroy and Barbara and Jack Stocky.

The private Pasadena Club where the event was held was beautifully decorated, adding to the festive air of the evening.

Among the formally dressed guests enjoying the evening were Jim Miramor and Edie Askew, Lisa and Wilson Brown, Robert and Martha Brumfield, Fran and Terry Buchanan, Dave and Grace Cashion, Pete and Carol Cortez, Bob and Liz Craven, Jerry and Francie Crichton, Ed and Easy Delaney, Pat and Ron Diaz, Don and Margaret Dunn, Sue and Barry Franzen, Kent and Judy Frewing, Fred Vasquer and Robbie Green, Marion and Paul Greene, Kitty and Jack Gurash, Michael and Virginia Karsch, John and Diane Landrum, Jay and Penny Lusche, Tom and Lois Maher, Mark and Lisa Miller, Ed and Virginia O’Hara, Cathy and Pete Palermo, Willis and Marilyn Petschow, Tony and Barbara Phillips, Shirley Stearns and David Prenatt, Tony and Marjorie Riewe, Gigi and Jim Schlueter, Judith and Robert Snyder, and Orchid Donnelly and George Stevenson.

JANE NAPIER NEELY covers the La Cañada social scene. Email her at
