
Los Altos installs new officers at country club

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Oakmont Country Club was the setting when Los Altos, an auxiliary support group for Hathaway-Sycamores Child and Family Services, held its annual installation luncheon. Guest speaker was David Crocker, vice president of education for Hathaway-Sycamores.

Under the leadership of President Julie McCarty, Los Altos raised $33,548 during the past year and was able to help fund the several programs for the children served by the agency.

Maureen Railsback, Los Altos vice president, thanked McCarty for her accomplishments as president this past year and for her continued service as president for 2012. McCarty introduced the new board: Vice President of Programs Pam MacDonald; Vice Presidents of Fundraising/spring, Kelly Springer and Debbie Chacon; Vice Presidents of Fundraising/fall, Linda Yaussi and Kathy MacDonald; Supportive Membership, Joy Lang; Secretary Susie Ratliff; Treasurer Maureen Railsback.

Membership chair Cindy Ott introduced five new Los Altos members: Karen Sellergren and Sandy Mellin, sponsored by Laurie Rodli; Diane Moldafsky, sponsored by Kelly Williams; KD Shaughnessy, sponsored by Joy Lang; and Gayle Penrod, sponsored by Carol DeFond.

The next fundraiser, a wine-tasting event featuring the wines of California, will be held on Sunday, April 22 at a private home in La Cañada. To learn more about the organization, go to

-- Carol Cormaci, Times Community News
