
Crime Report: 6 more La Cañada homes targeted by burglars since July 30

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July 30

Vehicle burglary: 2300 block of Florencita Avenue, Montrose. A man reported that sometime between 7:30 p.m. on July 29 and 7:20 a.m. on July 30 someone entered his locked 2011 Toyota Camry, which he’d left parked in a lot at his apartment complex. Taken were four Ping golf clubs, a pair of Adidas golf shoes, a pair of Ray-Ban sunglasses and a pair of clear prescription eyeglasses. The car’s center console and glove compartment had been ransacked. On a passenger seat the victim found a metal container containing three earplugs that did not belong to him.

July 31

Burglary and vandalism: 4700 block of Alta Canyada Road, La Cañada. A woman who had left the home to go out to dinner reported that a neighbor who lives on the street directly behind her home called her to say he could see two black males breaking into her house. The victim immediately called 911 and met responding deputies at the house. There they found a rear glass door had been shattered and the victim noticed a safe belonging to her daughter that held currency and jewelry was missing. Another neighbor’s surveillance video, although grainy and of poor quality, showed three males getting out of a vehicle at 6:49 p.m. and approaching the victim’s home, then exiting it through the front door at 6:58 p.m.

Unauthorized use of an access card: 1200 block of Flintridge Circle, La Cañada. A woman discovered someone had used her Macy’s American Express Card to make several purchases at the retailer between July 1 and July 15. She said she had not authorized anyone else to use her credit card, which she last recalls seeing on May 8.

Trespassing and petty theft: 5500 block of Godbey Drive, La Cañada (La Cañada Flintridge Country Club). A groundskeeper at the club reported there had been problems with people trespassing in the pool area after hours over the past several weeks. When he arrived at the facility on the morning of July 31 he noticed the Ping-Pong table in the pool area had been moved and a lifeguard buoy was missing from a cabinet near the lifeguard tower. Security footage revealed that three white male adults and two white female adults jumped over the locked gate, took the buoy from the cabinet, removed two or three ice cream bars from an unlocked freezer, then loitered in the pool area for about 45 minutes. The footage also showed the suspects arriving at the club in a gray Toyota Prius and possibly a white Audi.

Burglary: 300 block of Georgian Road, La Cañada. A man who was not at home said he received notice via a cellphone app at 4:21 p.m. that a motion sensor had been triggered in his home’s laundry room and he could see there were two men inside. At around that time a neighbor who walked across the street to investigate a reflection he had glimpsed on a window at the victim’s home saw two men dressed in dark clothing run from the house to a white Nissan sedan, which was driven out of view. He said it appeared they both might be wearing ski masks. Another witness told investigating deputies she had seen a white Nissan parked near the targeted residence at 7:20 a.m. that day. The home, which had been entered through a shattered glass door, had been ransacked but the resident could not immediately identify what might have been stolen.

Burglary: 4100 block of Forest Hill Drive, La Cañada. A woman who said she left her house secured and the alarm system set at 8 a.m. returned at 9:20 p.m. to find her home ransacked. The power was out on her arrival and deputies called to the scene found that someone had turned off circuits at the electrical service panel and had tampered with her home’s video surveillance. The woman called her alarm company and was told her power had gone off at 1:38 p.m. that day and that they had tried to reach her but had an outdated phone number for her. A glass door was shattered to gain entry to the house. Stolen were seven Cartier watches, one Franck Muller watch, a necklace with a 2.2 karat diamond, a 2-karat diamond ring, 20 miscellaneous pieces of jewelry, watches and gold bars. The victim noted that less expensive watches in her collection had been left behind by the intruder(s).

Aug. 1

Burglary: 2000 block of Lyans Drive, La Cañada. A man reported that sometime between 9:30 a.m. and 2:45 p.m. a window in a side door had been smashed and an unspecified quantity of electronics and jewelry were missing. A neighbor’s housekeeper saw a white vehicle parked in the victim’s driveway at 12:45 p.m.

Burglary: 1000 block of Ridgecliff Lane, La Cañada. A man reported that someone smashed a rear sliding glass door to his home sometime between 8 a.m. and 8:15 p.m. Nearly all the rooms and cabinets in the garage had been rummaged through, but he could not immediately say what might have been stolen.

Aug. 2

Burglary: 4800 block of Hampton Road, La Cañada. A man reported he’d left his house at 7 a.m. that day and returned at 4 p.m. to find a glass patio door shattered and the master bedroom ransacked. The victim said a professional dog-walker who was given access to a key had entered the home at around noon to walk his dog for an hour but had not reported finding anything amiss during her visit. The man said 25 silver coins, some costume jewelry and an unspecified amount of cash was missing.

Aug. 3

Vehicle burglary: 2900 block of El Caminito, La Crescenta. Sometime between 11:30 p.m. Aug. 2 and 8:30 a.m. Aug. 3 someone entered a 2018 Acura RLX and stole miscellaneous paperwork. The vehicle had been left locked by its owner.

Aug. 4

Petty theft: 2500 block of Altura Ave., Montrose. Sometime between 10 a.m. Aug. 3 and 9:30 a.m. Aug. 4 someone stole a Swiss army knife, an Apple phone charger, a phone mount and two credit cards from the center console of a 2012 Toyota Corolla that had been left parked unlocked, with its four windows partially open.

Compiled from reports on file at the Crescenta Valley Sheriff’s Station.

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