
Sixth-grade ‘models of stellar citizenship’ honored by Kiwanis Club of La Cañada

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Eight sixth-grade students from each of the La Cañada Unified School District Elementary Schools were celebrated as “Terrific Kids” during a special luncheon event hosted recently at Descanso Gardens by the Kiwanis Club of La Cañada. The designation is awarded students who display positive attitudes and responsible citizenship, among other criteria, according to a news release issued by the Kiwanis Club.

A few weeks prior to the luncheon, the students learned they’d been given the honor during a trip to their respective campuses made by Kiwanis Club of La Cañada members Nancy Leininger, who coordinates the program; Mike Leininger and Tom Slaughter. They received certificates at that time.

La Cañada Elementary School “Terrific Kids” included Christopher Bae, Dawit Chun, Hendryk Clinard, Ophelia Larsen, Olivia Lee, Duke Mora, Sarah Quan and Henry Sentoso.

Representing Paradise Canyon Elementary were Sara Jeffries, Caiden Garcia, Tessa Henriod, Joane Kim, Jaden Lee, Gretchen Louie, Lila Mercer and Jayda Stratton.

The honorees from Palm Crest Elementary included Martin Betancourt, Bryson Bond, Victoria Chen, Matthew Heur, Madison Hunt, Grant Jeandron, Maui Lawson and Harvey Wake.

“You students were chosen from your sixth-grade classrooms as models of stellar citizenship, as well as for your multitude of distinguished character traits,” Nancy Leninger told the newly minted Terrific Kids.

—Valley Sun staff

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