
Crime Report: 4 home burglaries in La Cañada between Jan. 29 and Feb. 2

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Jan. 29

Identity theft: 3100 block of Brookhill Street, La Crescenta. A man reported learning while checking out his credit report online that on Oct. 21, 2019, someone used his personal identification to open a credit card in his name.

Petty theft: 2900 block of Community Avenue, La Crescenta. A wallet containing a driver’s license and cash, along with a pair of Apple AirPods were reported stolen out of a locker in the boys’ locker room at Crescenta Valley High School while their owner was running around the school’s track between 2:10 and 2:50 p.m. Jan. 29.

Identity theft: 5400 block of Alta Canyada Road, La Cañada. A woman checking her credit report discovered someone had opened an American Express card her name, using the address of the La Cañada Flintridge Country Club on the account. Someone (the name was redacted from the report) confirmed that two packages had been sent to the country club under her name.

Burglary: 500 block of Meadow View Drive, La Cañada. A man reported that sometime between 2:45 and 7 p.m. on Jan. 29 someone broke all the glass out of a rear kitchen door, entered his home and ransacked it, taking an unknown amount of personal items.

Jan. 31

Burglary: 5100 block of Vista Miguel Drive, La Cañada. A woman who left her home at 3:15 p.m. that day was notified by her alarm company at 7:02 p.m. that an alarm had been triggered. At first thinking one of her adult children might have visited the house in her absence, she contacted them. When they confirmed they had not been to her home that night she asked the alarm company to send law enforcement. On the scene the deputies found a rear door leading from the second-story balcony into the master bedroom had been shattered. A white plastic table positioned underneath the balcony bore a set of shoe prints. Several drawers in the master bedroom were found open, their contents in disarray. In the master bedroom closet a large black safe was found with pry marks on it. No other parts of the house appeared to have been disturbed. It was not immediately known what might have been taken.

Burglary: 4300 block of Beulah Drive, La Cañada. A man reported someone entered his home through an unlocked master bedroom window after removing its screen. During the burglary, which occurred sometime between 6 and 7:30 p.m., the dresser drawers in the master bedroom were ransacked and a jewelry box was taken from a guest bedroom. Among the missing items were three gold wedding bands and miscellaneous other jewelry pieces.

Feb. 1

Grand theft: 1000 block of Olive Lane, La Cañada. A woman reported someone had hacked into her investment account three times between Jan. 13 and Jan. 16, stealing an unspecified amount from it. She discovered something was amiss when she tried to access her account online but couldn’t because someone had changed its password without her knowledge.

Vandalism: 2300 block of Montrose Avenue, Montrose. A woman who recalls hearing a “scraping” noise outside her home and seeing security lights go on at 1 a.m. discovered at 10:30 a.m. when she went outdoors that someone had vandalized her home overnight. Deputies called to the scene found a red liquid spilled on the home’s front door, screen door, patio, plants, windows and screens. Three window screens had 12-inch diameter holes cut out of them. Her adult son who is living with her while separated from his wife found his 2000 Toyota Tundra had been similarly vandalized, with the red liquid spilled onto its windshield and along the right side of the vehicle. The son told deputies he’d been out drinking the night before with his estranged wife when they got into a verbal fight and parted company. He suspects his wife could have been behind the acts of vandalism that took place after he returned to his mom’s home.

Vehicle burglary: 3100 block of Foothill Boulevard, La Crescenta. A man reported that sometime between 9 a.m. and 6:45 p.m. that day, while he was working across the street, someone entered his 1999 Ford Econoline van and stole tools from it. He said he had left the van locked, but when he returned he found the driver’s side door unlocked.

Feb. 2

Burglary: 4000 block of Dover Road, La Cañada. A man reported that sometime between 10:45 a.m. and 1 p.m. someone shattered the glass panel in a rear door of his home. He found the door ajar on his return, but it appeared nothing inside the house had been disturbed during his absence. He thinks his audible burglar alarm scared off the would-be intruder(s).

Compiled from reports on file at the Crescenta Valley Sheriff’s Station.

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