
Crime Reports: 8 mobile devices stolen in front of store clerk; jewelry taken in 2 home break-ins

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Feb. 5
Identity theft: 2200 block of Daisy Lane, La Cañada. A man reported receiving in the mail a 1099 IRS form that showed he had received money when he had not. He reported what appeared to be fraudulent use of his personal identification.

Feb. 6
Petty theft: 4400 block of Oak Grove Drive, La Cañada. A female reported that someone stole her wallet from her backpack, which had been left unattended near the school cafeteria between about 1 and 1:30 p.m.

Feb. 7
Petty theft: 3000 block of Foothill Boulevard, La Crescenta. A store employee reported that a man and a woman, both black, entered the store, placed unknown merchandise items in a bag and walked out without paying for them.

Burglary: 5300 block of Ivafern Lane, La Cañada. A woman who secured her home’s doors and windows before she left for work at 8:30 a.m. returned home at about 3 p.m. to discover the bedrooms and drawers in the kitchen had been ransacked. A safe containing two platinum and diamond rings, a sterling silver necklace and a sterling silver bracelet was taken. Someone had smashed a rear glass door to gain entry.

Burglary: 3900 block of Durham Place, La Cañada. Six rings and two necklaces were stolen during a break-in that occurred sometime between 8 and 10:45 p.m. while the residents were downstairs in a basement home theater watching TV. The crime was discovered when they returned upstairs to find their bedroom ransacked. A rock found on the floor indoors had apparently been used to shatter a window and gain entry.

Feb. 9
Petty theft: 900 block of Foothill Boulevard, La Cañada. A white male with brown hair, 5 foot 8 and about 160 pounds was seen shortly after 4 p.m. filling a cart with miscellaneous grocery store items, then wheeling it out of the store without paying for them. An employee followed the man to a silver, four-door sedan parked facing southbound on Beulah Drive. While the man loaded the items into the trunk of his car the employee asked him for a receipt. He said something to her (his words were redacted from the crime report), then got into the car and drove it out of view.

Burglary: 800 block of Foothill Boulevard, La Cañada. In a two-minute spree, two Latino suspects entered a store, went to the Apple iPhone display, used a wire cutter to free four phones from that counter, then moved to a Samsung display case and followed the same steps to liberate four Samsung phones. Both men were described as about 25 years old, about 6 feet tall and about 200 pounds.

Feb. 10
Petty theft: 3000 block of Henrietta Avenue, La Crescenta. A woman reported that a Massachusetts driver’s license and an iPhone charger were stolen out of her unlocked car sometime between 6 p.m. Feb. 9 and 6:20 a.m. Feb. 10.

Compiled from reports on file at the Crescenta Valley Sheriff’s Station.

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