
Crime Report: Safe, jewelry box stolen from Hampton Road home while victim at store

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Feb. 20

Identity theft: 1100 block of Fairview Drive. A woman told deputies she checked on her Visa account on Feb. 19 and noticed three unknown charges made between Dec. 18 and 21 at various locations.

Feb. 21

Theft by credit card; elder theft: 300 block of Canon De Paraiso Lane. A woman checked her Wells Fargo checking account on Feb. 16 and noticed money had been withdrawn without her knowledge. A bank representative issued a fraud alert and opened a new account for her, reimbursing the missing funds. She told deputies a similar unauthorized withdrawal from her savings account had occurred on Feb. 1. In that incident, the bank closed the account and reimbursed funds but never closed her checking account.

Feb. 22

Grand theft: 4200 block of Lenzgrove Lane. A man told deputies sometime between 8:30 p.m. the day before and 7:50 a.m. that day, someone stole his son’s hockey bag from his open garage. When he came home the night before, the bag was in the corner of the garage. He asked his son to close the door, but his son forgot. The black Bauer bag contained a red-and-black Bauer hockey stick, red-and-black Bauer ice skates, four California Bears hockey uniforms and protective gear.

Identity theft: 5300 block of Godbey Drive. A woman reported an unknown person opened numerous credit card accounts using her information without her permission. On Dec. 26 at around 2:56 a.m. she received a text alert regarding a possibly fraudulent transaction. Later that day, a Bank of America representative put a freeze on the account, informing her someone had used her name address and Social Security number to obtain a credit card in her name. After that conversation, the victim began freezing and placing fraud alerts on all her bank accounts. A few days later, she began receiving credit cards from several companies in the mail, including Chase Bank, Pentagon Federal Credit Union, Capital One and PayPal, and closed those accounts.

Burglary, vehicle: 900 block of Town Center Drive. A man told deputies sometime between 12:10 p.m. and 12:35 p.m. someone entered his locked 2019 Acura RDX and stole several items. He and his wife had driven to a gas station to fuel the vehicle when he noticed his cellphone charger was missing. Thinking he misplaced it, he looked in the car’s trunk and noticed his suitcase and his wife’s suitcase, along with several other items, were missing. Among the items stolen were two Apple iPads, a MacBook Pro, iWatch, an iPhone, Apple mouse and several training books and materials. The man said his vehicle locks itself when the keys are removed. Deputies observed no signs of forced entry.

Burglary, residence: 4800 block of Hampton Road. A woman told deputies she went to the store at around 3:45 p.m. and was gone for about an hour. When she returned, she noticed her home’s interior had been ransacked and several items were missing, including a wooden jewelry box containing miscellaneous jewelry and a safe containing coin collections from foreign nations. Deputies observed clothes had been strewn about in the same bedroom where the box had been kept. In another bedroom, pictures were on the ground where the victim said the safe had been. They believed the suspect(s) entered and exited through a side door. One neighbor said a Latino wearing an orange or yellow work vest, a white name tag and a white hard hat and driving a white Nissan Titan said he was from a company (name redacted) and needed to look at the wires and trees in his backyard. When deputies contacted the company, a representative said they do subcontract with workers who wear white name tags, but could not confirm where one individual worker was working at a particular time.

Compiled by Sara Cardine

Twitter: @SaraCardine
