
Crime Report: Woman arrives home on the heels of 2 burglars carrying off safe, jewelry

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March 12

Grand theft: 2100 block of Foothill Boulevard, La Cañada. A Latino, described as being in his 30s, 5 feet 10 and about 180 pounds walked into a store, took two duffel bags and a backpack from display and then stuffed them with other goods before exiting without paying for them. Among the items taken were 30 tops, three hats, seven pairs of men’s shoes, one pair of women’s shoes, three skincare products, three wallets, three shampoos, five pairs of sunglasses and three personal care accessories. After ignoring a store employee’s request to stop and pay for the items, the suspect got into a gray Chevy that was driven westbound on Foothill by a Latina in her early 30s, of medium build, who was wearing eyeglasses.

March 15

Burglary: 800 block of Green Lane, La Cañada. A woman reported that sometime between 1:12 and 1:48 p.m., her home was burglarized. She found a glass door leading from the kitchen to a patio smashed; the home’s bedrooms and bathrooms had been ransacked. Missing was a black safe box that had contained documents. Also stolen were a gold wedding band, a gold wedding ring embedded with diamonds and a gold diamond solitaire ring, all of which had been kept in another safe that had been pried open but left behind by the burglars. Video surveillance footage shows a blue-gray four-door sedan stop in front of some mailboxes on her street at 1:28 p.m. that day. Two black males, both slender, tall and wearing hoodies (one of whom can be seen on the footage climbing out of the back of the sedan), approach the victim’s yard. The woman had noticed the same car parked in front of her home on her return and, shortly after she entered her home through the front door she saw the car being driven slowly eastbound on Green. A neighbor told an investigating deputy she saw two black men who looked like those recorded on the video footage run through her backyard, one of them carrying a large black item in his hands. In a possibly related incident, a sheriff’s community services officer saw at 10:20 a.m that day a blue-gray Chevy Malibu parked on Oakwood Avenue just north of Berkshire. When the officer began to take down the car’s license number, the car sped off.

Grand theft: 1900 block of Foothill Boulevard (CC-YMCA), La Cañada. A man reported that sometime during his visit to the facility, between 5 and 6:30 p.m., someone stole all of the personal belongings he’d stowed in an unlocked locker. Gone were his wallet with driver’s license, credit and debit cards, a black duffel bag, a Gear Box racket, the keyless remote to a 2017 Toyota Tacoma, an iPhone X, men’s Adidas shoes and miscellaneous athletic wear.

March 16

Theft by false pretenses: 5500 block of Ocean View Boulevard, La Cañada. A male who had been job-seeking on the internet was contacted by a supposed employer who offered him a part-time job if he would pay some money upfront that would be repaid to him with his first paycheck. The victim agreed and was instructed to purchase prepaid cards, photograph them and email the photos to the suspect. He did so and was further instructed to send more money. After he followed the second set of directions, he realized he had been scammed.

Grand theft: 3100 block of Evelyn Street, La Crescenta. A man reported that sometime between 12:15 a.m. and 3:15 p.m., someone stole the catalytic converter and sensors from his 2003 Honda CR-V, which he’d left parked in front of his home.

Grand theft: 900 block of Foothill Boulevard, La Cañada. After being alerted that many bottles of vitamins were missing from an aisle, a store manager reviewed video surveillance footage that showed that at around 5:42 p.m. the day before a white man and a white woman worked in tandem to load up a grocery cart and a handbasket with the vitamins, then left the store without paying for them. The man was wearing a black hat, sunglasses, a white T-shirt, black shorts and black shoes. The woman, who had a tattoo on her right shoulder, was wearing sunglasses, a tank top, shorts and black shoes.
