
Council honors La Cañada High School coach Tom Hofman for 700 career wins

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On Tuesday, members of the La Cañada Flintridge City Council honored La Cañada High School Basketball Coach Tom Hofman with a special certificate recognizing his 700th career win this season across a 32-year career with the school.

On Jan. 19, the LCHS boys’ basketball team made local history when they sealed an 82-55 victory over South Pasadena High School, making Hofman the 17th high school boys’ basketball coach in California history to reach 700 wins and one of just eight coaches statewide who did so at a single school.

“Tom hit a huge milestone this season with his 700th win, which is really quite remarkable in the state of California,” said Mayor Mike Davitt. “We’re very proud, from a city standpoint, and very happy for you, your family and your teams.”

Hofman gave credit to La Cañada High students for making the journey an enjoyable one.

“It’s been a privilege to be a part of the La Cañada city and family for so many years and I really appreciate this [recognition] as much as anything I’ve ever done,” he said.

Water officials urge extra conservation during pipeline inspection

Council members were briefed Tuesday by Foothill Municipal Water District water program technician Dan Drugan that the district was calling for extra water conservation from March 18 to March 27 as the district temporarily shut down its imported water pipeline for inspection.

Drugan explained customers would still be able to receive water during the inspection from retail agency stores and, if necessary, from the city of Glendale, but asked La Cañada residents to refrain from outdoor watering during the 10-day period.

About 13,000 feet of Foothill Municipal Water District’s pipe, starting near the Rose Bowl and ending in La Cañada Flintridge, will be inspected by a monitor robot with a video camera that will help officials determine whether sections are in need of repair, Drugan said. For more info, visit

Paradise Valley second story plans move forward

Also Tuesday, the council adopted a resolution denying a resident’s appeal of a hillside development and second-floor review at 2104 Normanton Drive. In a Feb. 20 appeal hearing, several neighbors from the Paradise Valley neighborhood spoke out against homeowners’ plans to build a second-floor addition on their 2,324-square-foot home.

Council members were split 3-2 in favor of denying the appeal, with Councilmen Jon Curtis and Greg Brown opposed. Neighbor Lien Yang warned the council Tuesday they might be held liable for that decision someday if the expansion were to lead to further developments that would cause overcrowding on an already narrow road and potentially block the pathway of emergency vehicles.

“I want to protect my city’s interests — I don’t want my city to be sued,” he said.

Twitter: @SaraCardine
