
Talk aims to show students there’s more than one way to land a job at JPL

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Local high schoolers will get the chance on Jan. 30 to hear from a panel of professionals whose lives do not revolve around science and engineering, but who landed jobs at Jet Propulsion Laboratory all the same.

Panelists will share how they contribute to important space missions through a variety of professional backgrounds and skills in a discussion at the La Cañada High School cafeteria from 6:30 to 8 p.m.

Speakers include: JPL Business Administration Manager Lyn Repath-Martos; Web producer and social media lead Kristen Walbot; Heather Doyle, a public engagement networks supervisor; and Erica Beam, group supervisor for institutional cost and schedule evaluation.

La Cañada Unified School District science coordinator Amy Nespor said she organized the event to open students’ eyes about the wealth of career possibilities that exist for them.

“JPL is an amazing place to work and to be, but you don’t necessarily have to be a scientist or engineer,” Nespor told the Valley Sun. “Maybe you could help JPL with their finances. [Or] you can get a job at JPL as a welder and weld something that goes into outer space.”

The talk is sponsored by LCUSD Science Enrichment Programs and is open to LCHS students in grades 7-12. La Cañada High School is located at 4463 Oak Grove Drive.

Twitter: @SaraCardine
