
La Cañada History: $40,000-plus in sports equipment stolen from area schools recovered in bust

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Ten Years Ago

A man and a woman in their mid-40s were booked on suspicion of burglary, receiving stolen property and possession of methamphetamine for sale after search warrants served on their La Cañada apartment and a storage locker they’d rented in Montrose turned up athletic gear that had been stolen from area schools. The burglars hit La Cañada High twice, Crescenta Valley and Glendale high schools, Flintridge Prep and Rio Hondo Preparatory School in Arcadia. Most of the $40,000-plus in property that had been taken during the March 2009 spree of break-ins was recovered.

Twenty Years Ago

Cortney Adams, a basketball standout who was then a junior at La Cañada High School, was named Rio Hondo League Player of the Year. Her coach was Dennis Ballard.

Thirty Years Ago

Preliminary talks were getting underway between La Cañada Flintridge City Hall and the city of Pasadena on the subject of beautifying the center divider along Oak Grove Drive. Pasadena has jurisdiction over the northbound lanes of the road, including the center divider, while La Cañada Flintridge has responsibility for the southbound lanes.

Forty Years Ago

After having heard several complaints from La Cañada residents about a high number of coyotes in the area, the city in March 1979 notified homeowners in four sections of the city that their locations had qualified to have the animals trapped and euthanized. They were told the county’s coyote control program would be undertaken as soon as the homeowners sent their 50% share of the costs to the city.

Fifty Years Ago

A 25-signature petition gathered by some Gould Avenue homeowners was sent to the county Highway Safety Commission demanding that a four-way stop be placed at the accident-prone intersection of Gould and Houseman Street.

Sixty Years Ago

A post office building was taking shape in March 1959 on Foothill Boulevard at Vineta Avenue in La Cañada, where today a Firestone Tire Center operates. Once complete, the new post office would be nearly three times the size of the previous facility, which was located at the northeast corner of Foothill at Chevy Chase Drive. (Years later, yet another post office was built on Foothill at Rinetti Lane, where it remains in operation today.)

Compiled from the Valley Sun archives by Carol Cormaci.
