
La Cañada History: Swim coach dunked after 2009 CIF championship win, LCHS’ 4th in a row

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Ten Years Ago

For the fourth year in a row the La Cañada High boys’ swim team won the CIF Southern Section Division II swimming championship in competition at Mt. San Antonio College in mid-May 2009. The LCHS team accumulated 234.5 points, well ahead of second-place Oaks Christian team, which scored 205 points. “I’m so happy for these boys,” La Cañada coach Art Lopez said. He and coach Steve Silversparre were given celebratory dunkings in the pool by the team.

Twenty Years Ago

Architects told the La Cañada school board that the aging Lanterman Auditorium on Cornishion Avenue, owned by the La Cañada Unified School District, was in need of an extensive facelift. The estimated costs for the project were in the the $65,000 to $75,000 range.

Thirty Years Ago

James W. (“Jim”) Davis, then principal of Westchester High School, was selected to serve as the new principal of La Cañada High, to replace Andrew (“Drew”) Meyer, who was promoted to LCUSD’s assistant superintendent for business services.

Forty Years Ago

A testimonial dinner was held in honor of Jack Friedman, St. Francis High School’s retired football coach. Friedman started a successful 23-year career as a football mentor in 1953.

Fifty Years Ago

The La Cañada Chamber of Commerce refused to give its seal of approval to a project to construct a new post office at the northeast corner of Foothill Boulevard at Rinetti Lane (where it is today). Chamber officials maintained the lot was “prime property” that should have been used for some other purpose than a postal facility.

Sixty Years Ago

Bonnie, a 10-year-old collie owned by the Poore family of upper Commonwealth Avenue in the spring of 1959 rescued a baby rabbit that had wandered into their backyard. Tommy Poore, also 10, named the bunny Eisenhower. The family told the Valley Sun that the dog kept a watchful eye on the baby, which was being bottle fed by Mrs. Poore.

Compiled from the Valley Sun archives by Carol Cormaci.

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