
La Cañada History: Wizard of Westwood guest speaker at 1969 Crescenta-Cañada YMCA prayer breakfast

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Ten Years Ago

Descanso Gardens announced that ground would be broken in June 2009 for an environmentally friendly art gallery near its Boddy House. The Sturt Haaga Gallery of Arts, with an estimated cost of $2.1 million, was being funded entirely by a gift from La Cañadans Heather Sturt Haaga and Paul Haaga Jr. It was reported by Descanso to be the largest single donation it had received in its then-50-year history.

Twenty Years Ago

Jim Edwards, a former member of the La Cañada Flintridge City Council, was elected to the 51-member board of directors of the Metropolitan Water District. He’d served on the Foothill Municipal Water District board since 1993.

Thirty Years Ago

Ed Krause, 87, was named mayor of La Cañada Flintridge. He was reported to be the oldest mayor ever in the state of California and one of the oldest in the U.S.

Forty Years Ago

Groundbreaking ceremonies were held for the new $1.5-million Muller Chevrolet complex on Verdugo Boulevard in La Cañada (where the movie theater complex is today).

Fifty Years Ago

The Wizard of Westwood, UCLA basketball coach John Wooden, was the guest speaker when the Crescenta-Cañada Family YMCA held its fourth annual Leadership Prayer Breakfast at La Cañada Country Club. Radio and TV personality Dick Sinclair chaired the event.

Sixty Years Ago

Thirsty burglars entered the clubhouse of Flintridge Riding Club and absconded with 18 bottles of gin, 20 bottles of Scotch whiskey, 11 bottles of bourbon, three bottles of vodka and a red wastebasket. It was surmised the wastebasket had come in handy for the intruders who needed a way to carry their liquid loot out the door.

Compiled from the Valley Sun archives by Carol Cormaci.

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