
LCF Chamber of Commerce partners with FMWD to issue water-saving challenge, announce rebates

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A water-saving challenge was announced Tuesday to members of the La Cañada Flintridge Chamber of Commerce and Community Assn. that promises prizes to those who sustain reduced water usage over the course of a year.

The Chamber and the Foothill Municipal Water District are partnering in the effort, which includes outreach to the greater community, not just LCF Chamber members, to educate residents and businesses alike regarding new water-saving rebates that are available to all.

The timing of Tuesday’s announcement came during an extended heat wave that brought temperatures as high as 113 degrees to La Cañada Flintridge, where residents, visitors and vegetation have all felt the burn.

“We continue to deal with long-term challenges with our water supplies due to the frequency of droughts,” FMWD General Manager Nina Jazmadarian said in a statement announcing the program. “This challenge seeks to reinforce the importance of water conservation and highlight new rebate opportunities that are available.”

The new rebate initiative, called the Landscape Transformation Program, which requires that frontyards are included as part of a re-landscaping effort, will give participants $1 per square foot of turf removed. Information about the program can be found at To apply for a rebate, visit

“Another new offering is the availability of home or business water surveys. These surveys are offered for free and provide recommendations on plumbing, leaks and other improvements to save water,” according to the FMWD news release.

Pat Anderson, president and chief executive of the LCF Chamber, which has not only business members but residential members as well, said the organization plans to boost water awareness through this partnership with the water district.

“Through these rebate programs and other support from our local water providers, we encourage our chamber members to be LCF Water Savers,” Anderson stated.

Those who would like more information about the water-saving challenge or the new rebates are invited to contact FMWD at (818) 790-4036 or email

Twitter: @CarolCormaci
