
Area water officials dial back conservation mandates for Foothills residents

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Hoping to transition residents away from water conservation mandates toward an ongoing lifestyle of mindful use, Foothill Municipal Water District officials announced Monday an easing in water use requirements.

The official conservation level for FMWD and the retail agencies it serves — including Crescenta Valley Water and La Cañada Irrigation districts and the Mesa Crest and Valley Water companies — shifted from “Extraordinary” to “Standard.”

This means residents will be allowed to use outdoor irrigation up to three times per week, for 10 minutes at a time. In an agency statement issued Monday, FMWD Board President Rich Atwater called the changes part of “a new normal.”

“There is really no need to water outdoors more than three days a week,” Atwater said.

The change comes following a season marked by Northern California storms that boosted reservoir levels to historic highs, ending drought conditions for many regions statewide. Fresno, Kings, Tulare and Tuolumne counties are still categorized as operating under a drought emergency.

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