
St. Francis High School Graduating Class of 2004

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A group of 158 young men were graduated on June 5 on the campus of St. Francis High School in La Cañada.

Fr. Antonio Marti, O.F.M.Cap., the Provincial of the Western American Province of the Capuchin Franciscan Order, represented his Eminence Cardinal Roger Mahony, archbishop of Los Angeles at the graduation. Fr. Matthew Elshoff, O.F.M.Cap., the school president, and Thomas Moran, the school principal, also officiated at the 55th commencement ceremony of the local Catholic, college-preparatory institution.

Addressing the gathering was valedictorian Sarkis Kavarian of Glendale and senior class representative Adolph Delgado of San Gabriel. Kavarian received the Capuchin Award and Medal for Scholarship. Receiving Bank of America Achievement plaques were salutatorian Benjamin Yim and Raffi Kotoyan for science and mathematics and Kavarian in liberal arts.

Bank of America certificates were awarded to graduates in the following categories: Art, David Israelsson; English, Ryan Fleming; Fine Arts, Michael Cruz-Herrera and Elan Lopez; Foreign Language, Mario Garcia and Manuel Amao; Mass Media, Harout Bouldoukian; Mathematics, Alexander Davis; Publications, Kyle-Cameron Lewis; Religious Studies, Parth Shah; Science, Alexander Davis; and Social Studies, Aram Sethian.

The school faculty also presented medals for excellence in subject areas to the following individuals: Art, Brice Linane; Athletics, Scott Burton; Biology, Alexander Davis; Chemistry, Parth Shah; Chorus, Justin Gopiao; Economics, Matthew Arnold; English, Sarkis Kavarian; European History, Benjaniin Yim; Kinesiology, Ryan Bronk; Latin, Rodrigo Berrios; Mass Media, Vincent Richards, Jr.; Mathematics, Benjamin Yim; Physics, Branden Izumi; Publications, Carlos Tobon; Religion, Paul Di Pietro; Spanish, Carlos Tobon; Theater, Harout Bouldoukian; U.S. Government, Sarkis Kavarian; and U.S. history, Michael Powell.

At the Baccalaureate Mass on June 4, Community Service Awards were presented to Paul Di Pietro (Pro Deo et Patria for Leadership); Stephen McGee (Pro Deo et Ecclesia for Leadership); Michael Cruz-Herrera (Fred Pumer Humanitarian Award); Gabriel Perez (Roger Barkley Award for Outstanding Character); Rodrigo Berrios (Archdiocesan Christian service Award); and Christopher Findlay (Medal for Good Citizenship). In addition, Kathy LaRussa and Teresita McGee-Maupin were honored for their service to St. Francis with the Claire of Assisi award.

Thirty-five of the graduates received a St. Francis Honors Diploma, an award given for Christian Service, high academic achievement and for taking at least one of the Advanced Placement courses during their senior year at the school. Twenty of the graduating seniors be-came Life Members in the California Scholarship Federation.

The National Hispanic Recognition Program Scholar Finalists are Mario Garcia, Francisco Gaviiia, Jr., and Carlos Tobon. National Merit Scholarship Commended Students are Matthew Arnold, Timothy Dietrich, Sarkis Kavarian, Raffi Kotoyan, Parth Shah and Benjamin Yim.

Twenty-six students graduated as members of the National Honor Society and 12 graduated as Mu Alpha Theta Members. The NHS Certificate of Merit was awarded to Sarkis Kavarian.

At press time, St. Francis High School’s selected students of the graduating Class of 2004 received 70 Scholarships, awards and honors to colleges and universities throughout the United States.

The following colleges and universities presented scholarships, honors and awards:

Albertson College, Conrad Seibert; Allegheny College, William Wallace; American University, Andres Ramos; Arizona State University, Jeffrey Bouchard; Boston College, Matthew Amold; California State University, Northridge, Takeshi Nakanishi; Case Western Reserve University, Benjamin Yim; Denison University, William Wallace; Dominican University, Michael Jaso; Fordham University, Andres Ramos; Franklin W. Olin College, Alexander Davis; Gonzaga University, Justin Howard; John Hopkins University, Benjamin Yim; Loyola Marymount University, Matthew Arnold, Carlos Tobon and Barouir Yeretzian; Loyola University of Chicago, Timothy Dietrich; Marquette University, Domenico Pontrelli; Menlo College, Paul Najarian; Northern Arizona University, Hugo Catalan, Jr.; Matthew Delphey, Jonathan Shaw; Notre Dame de Namur University, Michael Jaso and Matthew Kleiman; Occidental College, Alfonso Berumen and Stephen McGee; Oregon State University, Andrew Cyr; Regis University, Robert Arrañaga, Hugo Catalan, Jr., Patrick Christy, Raul Puentes, Wesley Parlee and Ryan Rosales; Rockhurst College, Hugo Catalan, Jr., Roger Williams University, Aram Sethian; St. Louis University, Conrad Seibert; San Diego State University, Matthew Kleiman; Santa Clara University, David Girard, Sarkis Kavarian, Kyle-Cameron Lewis and Domenico Pontrelli; Sonoma State University, Nicholas Ruggiero; Southern Methodist University, Jeffrey Bouchard; St. Mary’s College of California, Matthew Kleiman; Syracuse University, Andres Ramos and Nicholas Ruggiero; Texas Christian University, Paul Di Pietro; University of California, Davis, Scott Burton; University of California, Riverside, Sarkis Kavarian; University of California, Santa Barbara, Raffi Kotoyan; University of Arizona, Mark Skeehan; University of Denver, Conrad Seibert; University of La Verne, Adolph Delgado; University of Michigan, Andres Ramos; University of Oregon, Ryan Fleming, Justin Howard and Jonathan Shaw; University of Portland, Andrew Nicchitta, Domenico Pontrelli; University of San Diego, Ryan Fleming, Justin Howard and Andres Ramos; University of San Francisco, Nicholas Ruggiero; University of the Pacific, Conrad Seibert; Washington State University, Andrew Cyr; Matthew Delphey; Whittier College, Andrew Sinatra; Woodbury University, Brice Linane; Xavier University, Domenico Pontrelli and Andres Ramos.

Members of St. Francis High School Class of 2004:

Christopher Aguayo

Alexander Victor Aguilar

Jeremy Vaughn Alalay

Evan Antolin Algorri

Gustavo Galeazzi Alonzo

Anthony Carlos Alvarado

Josef Anthony Aranda

Manuel Amao

Matthew Lewis Arnold

Robert C. Arrañaga

Matthew George Ayers

Artin Simon Babayan

Travis Steven Berg

Neil Aquino Bernardino

Rodrigo Berrios

Alfonso Paul Berumen

Spencer Ross Bezaire

Michael Jason Bonfiglio

Jeffrey Jordan Bouchard

Harout Garo Bouldoukian

Ryan Matthew Bronk

Christopher James Bruno

Scott Douglas Burton

Sean Patrick Butler

Dax Tyler Casillas

Hugo Enrique Catalan, Jr.

Kingsley Chiu Yin Chan

Patrick Edward Christy

Patrick Kennedy Conway

Byron Christopher Costales

Michael Ilagan Cruz-Herrera

Andrew Richard Cyr

Alexander Edward Davis

Efrain Andres De La Peza

Adolph Thomas Delgado

Matthew Crocker Delphey

Paul Michael Di Pietro

Timothy Michael Dietrich

Charles Neil Digal

Shant Estepan Dilanian

Joel Turin Doerning

Michael James Doyle

Thomas Andrew Edwards

Joe Zohrab Elmazian

Christopher Richard Findlay

Ryan Phillips Fleming

Salvador Flores

Matthew A. Friedman

Taylor Mc Fadden Furlong

James Brian Galvan

Mario Esteban Garcia

Paul Loren Garcia

Francisco Marcos Gaviña, Jr.

Mike K. Gawad

Mark Anthony Geraci

David Alexander Girard

Alexander Gonzalez

Justin Albert Gopiao

Christopher James Grimard

Damian Eugene Harrington

Jonathan David Hayne

Kevin Charles Holmquist

Justin Bao-Son Howard

Kevin Gordon Inverno

Dominic Walter Ireland-Galman

David Simon Israelsson

Branden Takeshi Izumi

Andrew F. Jarrous

Michael Dryden Jaso

John E. Jimmo

Elliot Thomas Jones

Michael Anthony Jones

Christopher Jesse Juarez

Sarkis Harry Kavarian

Christian Williams Kelly

Grinil M. Khanna

Matthew Steven Kleiman

Michael Allen Knosp

Jason Vincent Koors

Raffi Arthur Kotoyan

James Harrison Kurtz

Matthew Frank LaRussa

Daniel Paul Lauerman

John-Che Santos Legaspi

Samuel Leiaghat

Kyle-Cameron Lewis

William Thomas Lewis

Brice Joseph Linane

Alexander Jonathan Logan

Joseph Noah Longo

Elan Rene Lopez

Richard F.R. Kristian Lopez

Benjamin Ian Lorin

Phillip M. Malakauskas

Dylan Andrew Mart

Colin Patrick Me Carty

Stephen Liam McGee

Andrew Joseph Mc Intyre

Boghos Leon Mikailian

Bryan Roshan Moonesinghe

Devin Nbchael Moorad

Anthony Alexander Mora

Michael James Morgan

Jonathan Chtistopher Lester Moss

Joseph Samuel Munayyer

Paul Joseph Najarian

Takeshi Nakanishi

Steven Chase Navarro

Andrew Steven Nicchitta

Gabriel Dylan Savoia Norris

Christopher John Ortiz

Wesley Martin Parlee

Michael James Pearce

Gabriel Alejandro Perez

Andrew David Plumley

Domenico Trifone Pontrelli

Michael Brian Powell

Raul Jesus Puentes

Andres Murray Ramos

Matthew Harry Redoglia,

Gregory Reynolds Reyes

Vincent Michael Richards, Jr.

Craig Andrew Rienbolt

Ryan Arthur Rosales

Justin Robert Ross

Patrick Christopher Ross

Nicholas Cord Ruggiero

Luis Femando Salazar

Eduardo Pablo Sapetto

Jon Harrison Scheffey

Joshua Christopher Schirripa

Franz Joseph Schmutzer

William Louis Schwing

Patrick Russell Sclafani

Conrad Ryan Seibert

Aram Nubar Sethian

Parth Dilip Shah

Jonathan Patrick Shaw

Frank Andrew Sinatra

Mark William Skeehan

Anthony Franc Soriano

Joseph Michael Stabile

Joseph Michael Tesoro

Paul Eugene Tino

Carlos Alberto Tobon

Brandon Corey Towner

Samuel Vaca

Christopher Howard Vargas

William Michael Wallace

Ian Andrew-Halley Ward

Sean Kazuo Watanabe

Robert Page Monis Whyte III

James Drake Wickersham

Gavin Arthur Wolflick

Barouir Yeretzian

Benjamin Yim

Terence Richard Young

David Wesley Zastrow
