
Dismayed reader

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I was dismayed and appalled by the article in last week’s Valley Sun regarding Fletcher J. Hull. Being publicly accused of a crime as distasteful as the possession of child pornography is damming, and automatically carries with it a social, financial and moral stigma which it may take years for a person and their family to erase, notwithstanding their actual guilt or innocence.

Accordingly, I feel the premature reporting of it, prior to any actual determination of guilt or innocence, is not appropriate. In my opinion this article went beyond journalistic sensationalism, and constituted “trial (and automatic execution) by journalism.” It was not in keeping with the reputation of the Valley Sun and/or common sense.

I have known Fletcher Hull for over 20 years and consider him an outstanding example of a community leader. I have worked with him on the board of Angel’s Flight, I have watched his multiple good works with Rotary and other community organizations, and he has always been there to help people up, not to tear them down. He has been a constant example of that community spirit which La Cañada is known for. I would hope that in this difficult time of accusation we as a community would rise to the occasion of supporting one of our own, rather than humiliating a good father and his family.


Barbara M. Hudson

La Cañada Flintridge
