
Local Businessman Addresses LCHS Institute

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Ray Considine, local resident and author of The Great Brain Robbery and WAYMISH (Why Are You Making It So Hard?For Me To Give You My Money), recently spoke at La Cañada High School’s Business Institute, an after-school enrichment program run under the umbrella of the Institutes for the 21st Century.

Considine spoke about ways multinational businesses have succeeded by figuring out what it was they could bring to the table their competitors couldn’t. His speech taught students to listen carefully, learn from business history and to think outside the box. He regaled students with anecdotes from his own life as a soldier, as a student at Harvard and from decades as a businessman.

“Mr. Considine lectured about many concepts that I know will be very helpful to me in the future,” said LCHS senior Kyle Spitznagel.

The Business Institute is one of several Institutes for the 21st Century that are mentored by volunteer executives, lawyers, scientists and architects.

The Business Institute will run for 16 weeks and is mentored by La Cañada resident Loretta Savery.
