
Please Support Our Troops

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Enclosed is a copy of a letter I received yesterday from a Marine Unit in Iraq.

The content is so explicit I could not file it away without sharing it.

The story began sometime in November 2004 when I read an obituary in our Daily News of the death of Marine Lance Corporal Nick Anderson. I was not acquainted with Nick but was so touched by his obituary which included the mailing address for his unit in Iraq and a request to send certain items to his unit in Nick’s memory in lieu of flowers.

I had wanted to send a Christmas package for our troops and was happy to get an address to send to. I packed up a box with many socks, beef jerky, batteries, wipes, hot chocolate mix, razors etc.

With the help of two of my friends we sent another box this month and I will continue to do so every month until our troops come home. I haven’t any grandchild in the service and my heart goes out to the parents and grandparents who have their loved ones in harm’s way protecting our freedom and to those who have paid the supreme sacrifice.

I hope others join with me in remembering our servicemen. It is the very least we can do.

Mary Helen Wollam

La Cañada
