
St. Francis High School Class of 2005 Graduates

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Pomp and Circumstance played as 145 Golden Knights, clad in brown robes and caps, walked to Senior Lawn for the 56th annual commencement exercises held at Saint Francis High School last Saturday morning for the class of 2005.

Fr. Antonio Marti, O.F.M.Cap., the Provincial of the Western American Province of the Capuchin Franciscan Order, represented his Eminence Cardinal Roger Mahony, Archbishop of Los Angeles at the graduation. Fr. Matthew Elshoff, O.F.M.Cap., the school president, and Thomas Moran, the school principal, also officiated at the 56th commencement ceremony of the local Catholic, college-preparatory institution.

“Processing for graduation is the pinnacle of your high school career,” said senior Sean Franklin of La Crescenta. “Right before you walk onto the lawn everything hits you all at once. You are overcome by happiness and pride to be done but also by sadness because you are leaving.”

Valedictorian Jonathan F. Mathews of Alhambra and Senior Class Representative, James Andrew Kislingbury of Pasadena gave formal addresses to the audience.

A humble valedictorian, Mathews, who said the only reason he was on the podium was not because he was smarter than anyone else but only because he was a good test-taker, told classmates: “Saint Francis will always be with you. It will always be in your hearts.”

Many graduates said they leave high school with fond memories.

“I am relived to be out of high school, but in some ways I wish we could just back track a little,” said senior Clark Sanchez-Figueras.

Mathews received the Capuchin Award and Medal for Scholarship. Receiving Bank of America Achievement Plaques were Ernest Michael Arnold and Jonathan F. Mathews in Liberal Arts and Salutatorian Steven Yongsuk Shin for Science and Mathematics.

Bank of America Certificates were awarded to graduates in the following categories: Art, James Andrew Kislingbury; English, Matthew Sustayta Salazar; Fine Arts, Lawrence Anthony Alonso De Belen and Anthony Gregory Manfra; Foreign Language, Nathan James Dykstra; Mass Media, Alex Christopher Engemann and Brian Andrew Farris; Mathematics, Philip Andrew Hihn; Publications, Timothy James Calica; Religious Studies, Christopher John Schell; Science, Brian James O’Toole; and Social Studies, Jason Michael Castillo.

The school faculty also presented medals for excellence in subject areas to the following individuals: Art, Arin Norhadian; Athletics, James Anthony Eland; Biology, Namit Navnit Rohant; Chemistry, Bryan Dinh-Khoa Nguyen; Chorus, Jared Cunanan Hamoy; Economics, David Ethan Kurtz; English, Rafael Hernan Gamboa; European History, Jonathan F. Mathews; Icnesiology, Matthew Patrick Baker; Latin, Anthony Spinella; Mass Media, Jamie Christopher Yukich; Mathematics, Joseph Eli Rueter; Physics, Jonathan F. Mathews; Publications, James Jenerette Jenkins; Religion, Matthew Sustayta Salazar; Spanish, Steven Yongsuk Shin; Theater, Sanderson Hale Doughty; U.S. Government, Scott Patrick Cullinane; and U.S. History, Ernest Michael Arnold.

At the Baccalaureate Mass on June 3, Community Service Awards were presented to Christopher John Schell (Pro Deo et Patria for Leadership); Jonathan Kim Shirin (Pro Deo et Ecclesia for Leadership); Jason Michael Castillo (Fred Purner Humanitarian Award); Charles Gabriel Sosa (Roger Barldey Award for Outstanding Character); Bosco Chin-Lok Yuen (Archdiocesan Christian Service Award); and Scott Patrick Cullinane (Medal for Good Citizenship). In addition, Dr. and Mrs. David Sikorski were honored for their service to St. Francis with the Claire of Assisi award.

Twenty-nine of the graduates received a St. Francis Honors Diploma, an award given for Christian Service, high academic achievement and for taking at least one of the advanced placement courses during their senior year at the school. Twelve of the graduating seniors became life members in the California Scholarship Federation.

National Merit Scholarship Commended Students are Ernest Michael Arnold, Derek Carson Brown, Rafael Hernan Gamboa, Brian James O’Toole, Joseph Eli Rueter, and Steven Yongsuk Shin.

Twenty-four students graduated as members of the National Honor Society and 14 graduated as Mu Alpha Theta Members. The NHS certificate of merit was awarded to Lucas Daniel Di Pietro.

At press time, St. Francis High School’s selected students of the graduating Class of 2005 received 102 Scholarships, awards and honors to colleges and universities throughout the United States.

St. Francis High School Class of 2005

Matthew Steven Abbey

David Mitry Ajalat

Kenneth Wilmer Alcantara

Ernest Michael Arnold

Matthew Patrick Baker

Rodney Franklin Banks

Grant Jameson Berger

Joseph Scott Bessolo

Christopher Antonio Bin

Brian Lee Bistagne

Christopher Andrew Blanco

Matthew James Brakensiek

Robert Ivan Brewington

Derek Carson Brown

Ashleigh Forbes Buchan III

Jeffrey Maarten Budden- bohn

Thomas Jameg Bunning

Timothy James Calica

Patrick James Canterbury

Michael Edward Casado

Jason Michael Castillo

Nathaniel Arroyo Chan

Cameron Keith Cole

Justin Steven Corio

Michael Charles Corpe

Spencer Destro Cox

Scott Patrick Cullinane

Michael Gibbs Currin

Bryan James Davis

Lawrence Anthony Alonso De Belen

Shapan Debnath

Lucas Daniel Di Pietro

Harlan Stirling Dimitrius

Sanderson Hale Doughty

Nathan James Dykstra

James Anthony Eland

Mason Eliot Elieff

Alex Christopher Enge- mann

Eric Andrew Engler

Raffi Ohannes Erganian

Philip William Escue

Brian Andrew Farris

Joseph Durldn Forbes

Peter Michael Forsberg

Alexander Richardson Foullon

Sean O’Flaherty Franldin

Russell Hisashi Fujimoto

Alberto Galvdn

Rafael Hernan Gamboa

Eric Donald Garcia

Shawn S. Garrard

Brian Michael Gilb

John Joseph Golden

Donald Lee Gorsch, Jr.

Christopher Greer, Jr.

Thomas Dean Grimes III

Bryan Geoffrey Grosshans

Jared Cunanan Hamoy

Philip David Hasbrouck

Anthony Yano Hays

Christopher Andrew Hertz

Philip Andrew Hihn

Andrew Philip Thomas Holl

Ronald Joseph Insalaco, Jr.

Andrew A. Izumi

Dwayne Jamaal Jenkins

James Jenerette Jenkins

Christopher Russell Johnson

John Sloan Orear Kidde

James Andrew Kislingbury

Ariel Robert Klevecz

David Ethan Kurtz

Derek Parker Law

Jason Ryan MacMillan

Anthony Gregory Manfra

Angelo Michael Mariano

Michael Anthony Marks- Nino

Andrew Peter Marquardt

Kent Thomas Martin

Jonathan F. Mathews

Michael James McCaus- land

John Patrick McShane III

Blake Alexander Milton

Miguel Ricardo Mora

Justin Derell Morgan

Michael Roko Muscet

Spencer Christian Nelson

Bryan Dinh-Khoa Nguyen

Arin Norhadian

Gregory James O’Connell

Adam Michael O’Toole

Brian James O’Toole

Robert Frederick Orlandini

Ian Robert Palma

Chadwick Ian Pansini

Daniel Stevens Parker

Eamonn Patrick Pascal

Luke Paul Patruno IV

Benjamin Carl Petersen

Kevin A. Peterson

Wesley Neil Piyasombun

James Forrest Poet

Stephen Christopher Pol- chow

Cameron Carlos Priestley

Daniel David Quiros

Andres Sebastian Ramirez

John Paul Ramirez

Matthew Eliot Reeser

John Patrick Reid

Kenneth Robert Risen

Vincent Patrick Rodriguez

Namit Navnit Rohant

Gregory Stephen Roses

Joseph Eli Rueter

Travis James Sabaitis

Matthew Sustayta Salazar

Michael Joseph Salvador

Brandon Sprague Sanchez

Clark Angel Sanchez- Figueras

William Michael Sanders III

Richard Blake Saunders

Christopher John Schell

Matthew Devin Schumacher

Ryan Andrew Session

Steven Yongsuk Shin

Jonathan Kim Shirin

Nathan Edward Sikorsld

Michael Donlan Sill

Charles Gabriel Sosa

Patrick Christopher Spear

Anthony Spinella

Mark Stephen Stathatos

Collin Daniel Tollefson

Peter David Van Pelt

William Alexander Veloz

Christopher Joseph Walker

Chase Alexander Weaver

James Barrett Weber

Walter Federico Weiss

Matthew Jensen Yoka

Bosco Chin-Lok Yuen

Jamie Christopher Yukich

Matthew Robert Zieman
