
Thanks for Your Support

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Dear La Cañadans: I want to thank the entire community of La Cañada for their generosity and support of so many organizations that make the world better for all, in particular Habitat For Humanity!

I am so proud to be a member of St. Bede Catholic Church and part of the great inter-faith community in La Cañada. The spirit of working together to promote peace and justice is so strong!!!

Diversity in unity and unity in diversity is so important in the time in which we live. Having Memorial Park on Sunday, July 24, to celebrate just that was quite an amazing day culminating my work in La Cañada that I know will go on.

In addition to all the faith communities, I would like to commend all the businesses and service organizations, too. La Cañada really cares, not only about each other but those in whose lives, together , we can really make a difference. We all benefit from social change!

In closing, I would like to energize all of us to build on the good in ourselves and bring out the good in each other, and being there for each other when life is not going so well. Carry on in La Cañada and I will down in Fallbrook.

In gratitude and with much love,

Barbara Hudson

