
Local Youths Participate in Skateboarding Competition

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Some 15 boys, representing Billys Boardshop in Montrose, competed in the “Battle of the Boards and Bands” skateboarding event on July 30 at Bonita Skate Park in Arcadia.

About 100 youths competed in various categories as Billys Boardshop riders placed in each division, winning first place in two of them.

Tim Shepard, Billys Boardshop manager, said he organized the team, made up mostly of La Cañada Flintridge, La Crescenta and Montrose residents, at the last moment and was pleasantly surprised by the team’s performance.

“The kids came out strong and had a nice time. We practiced a few weeks before the competition. I didn’t think they were going to dominate the competition, but they came away with some awards,” said Shepard, who used to skateboard when he was younger.

“It was the first time we had done anything like this. There are not a lot of competitions out there, but if they organize them, we’ll show up,” he said.

Shepard said he told the kids that competing was more for the experience than for the awards. Every youth who competed for Billys was sponsored by the shop and received a free Billys Boardshop T-shirt, he said.

Timmy Campbell, 11 years old, of Montrose, won the Under 12 boys competition. His prizes included a new complete skateboard deck, shoes, a helmet, extra wheels, and a few shirts. This was his first competition and first win.

Harley Jones, won best trick in the under 14 division. He did a kick flip off of the big three (which is 14 stairs high) He also won second place in the Under 14 competition. Chris Sovich of Glendale took third place behind Jones.

David Song of La Crescenta won first place for the 15 - 17 year olds division and Greg Roses of La Crescenta took third place in the over 18 year old division.
