
Flintridge Prep’s Middle School Students Present Inherit The Wind

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On November 10 and 11, Prep’s middle school actors staged the classic American drama Inherit the Wind. A work of social commentary based loosely on the Scopes “Monkey” Trial of 1925, the play was written over half a century ago. Yet-as arguments over evolution and creationism continue to make headlines- Inherit the Wind remains remarkably relevant today.

The small town of Hillsboro, Tennessee becomes the site of a titanic legal and societal clash when educator Bert Cates (Ryan Loui ‘11) is put on trial for teaching his class about evolution. Prosecuting is Senator Matthew Harrison Brady (Charlie Kennedy -10), a self-proclaimed Bible scholar and former presidential candidate. Defending Gates is Harriet Drummond (Alice Gammill -10), a famous lawyer and proponent of free thought. The townspeople-and the media-watch as the precedent-setting trial unfolds.

Jesse Redding -11 played Reverend Jeremiah Brown, the Hillsboro clergyman who inflames public opinion against Cates. Katharine Schwab -11 portrayed Brown’s conflicted daughter Rachel, torn between her father and his beliefs and her love for fellow teacher Cates. Matt Grobar -10 was cynical big-city newspaper columnist E.K. Hornbeck. Morgan Brown -10 played the Mayor, Marissa Roy -10 was the Judge, and Alicia Dewell’ 11 was District Attorney Davenport. The role of spunky tomboy Haley, a student of Cates’s, was played by Cristina Patrizio ’11. The ensemble of townspeople and reporters included eighth grader Meray Mankerian and seventh graders Kristin Brisbois, Maya Castellanos, Sam Cook, Gina Crissman, Tommy Gautier, Sydney Golombek, Maggie Kennedy, Alex Markowitz, Kelsey Toms, and Denise Van der Goot.

Patti Eisenberg directed. Cari Jeffries ’10 was assistant director and stage manager. Lighting and set design was by Robert Parker. Oliver Eaton was master carpenter. Jean Ansolabehere ‘07, Rmax Goodwin ‘08, and Jon Myers ’07 assisted backstage. Costume design was by Donna Allbright. She and fellow Mothers Club members Sandy Gillis, Theresa Kennedy, and Colleen Schwab oversaw props.20051201iqbgfxknPhoto by Rose Chan/Nick Loui(LA)”Hillsboro townspeople stage a protest in the Flintridge Prep middle school production of “Inherit the Wind.”
