
UCLA Extension Presents the 2006 Writers Studio

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This winter, focus on your writing at the UCLA Extension Writers Studio, four days of intensive writing workshops held Feb. 9-12 in Los Angeles. The Writers Studio brings together a community of aspiring creative writers and screenwriters to work with accomplished instructors. Participants choose one of 10 workshops in which they work closely with a professional writer in classes limited to no more than 20 students.

The 2006 Writers Studio workshops are:


Tools of the Trade: Creating a 120-Page Screenplay out of a One-Sentence Story Idea, Janna Gelfand (Academy Award-nominated producer, author of A Practical Guide to Flawless Screenplay Form)

Emotional Structure: Creating the Story Beneath the Plot, Peter Dunne (writer/producer, has produced CSI: Crime Scene Investigation and JAG and written for Nowhere Man, Dr. Quinn: Medicine Woman and Diagnosis: Murder)

Intermediate Feature Film Writing: Works-in-Progress, Scott Myers (screenwriter/producer whose credits include K-9, Alaska and Trojan War)

Cinematic Storytelling: Writing a Script that’s Really a Movie, Billy Mernit (screenwriter/novelist and author of Writing the Romantic Comedy)

Crafting the Comedy Screenplay, Steve Mazur (screenwriter whose credits include Liar, Liar; The Little Rascals and Heartbreakers)


Writing the Personal Essay, Barbara Abercrombie (author of books including Writing Out the Storm)

Life Story into Art: Writing the Memoir, Samantha Dunn (Journalist and author of books including Faith in Carlos Gomez: A Memoir of Salsa, Sex, and Salvation)

Writing the First Novel, Tod Goldberg (author of books including Living Dead Girl)

Novels-in-Progress, Claire Carmichael (author of 23 published novels and 17 children’s novels)

The Joy of Writing: A Workshop in Craft and Creativity, Steven Wolfson (playwright and screenwriter whose feature credits include Dinner and Driving and Gang Tapes)

Designed for writers of all levels, the Writers Studio encourages participants to create serious work in a supportive and stimulating environment, under expert and constructive guidance. Each workshop is the equivalent of a 10-week, three-unit course which participants have the option of taking for a grade.

The 2006 Writers Studio will take place Thursday-Sunday, Feb. 9-12, at UCLA Extension’s 1010 Westwood Center in Los Angeles. Enrollment is already underway. Each workshop is limited to 20 students, and they will fill fast. The fee for the four-day intensive Writers Studio is $725, which includes registration, parking, an introductory breakfast and a Sunday reception.

For more information, call the Writers’ Program at (800) 388-UCLA or (310) 825-9415, e-mail or visit John Ferrari (310) 825-1901
