
This Week’s Letters to the Editor

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Lost Dog Now Found

Early Wednesday morning I was minding my own business, moving a large awning that blew onto my wife’s car from the winds last night. Out of nowhere a doggy comes up to me wagging his tail, jumping up and licking my face. A handsome fellow was he, well-kept and healthy. Expecting his owner nearby, I wrestled with this fella just to keep him busy. When no one appeared I knew he was lost. Grabbed his collar but oh oh no tags. Better put him in the back yard until we can sort this out. He enjoyed the company of my other dogs especially my Saint, who couldn’t keep her paws off him. This rascal jumped into my fish pond, played rope pull and was just having a ball. I knew a shelter was not in his future. Started calling all the local vets to see if anyone reported a lost dog. They were all very helpful, put him on their list of lost pets and took my number. Went home for lunch and took him walking around the neighborhood hoping someone would recognize him or maybe he would lead me to his home. No luck so I drove around looking for lost pet posters. My vet suggested bringing him in to get scanned for a chip but none was found. Getting late, I could not believe that no one was looking for this adorable guy. As a last resort, I decided to call the Pasadena Humane Society and as I was talking to a lady someone from La Cañada walked in asking about a young husky. She put me on the line with him and he described him perfectly down to his blue flowered collar. A half-hour later he drove up and was reunited with George who was just as happy as his owner to go home. Though my pups will miss their new friend we were all relieved that the lost dog was now found. I encourage everyone to get involved when a dear pet is lost. He is usually scared, confused and even desperate. Keep an eye on the doggies walking their owners so you can recognize them if they become lost and without ID tags. The greatest joy is to watch the love expressed during a reunion between owner and pet. What you see in their faces is all the thanks you need. In my case, a huge black forest cake from the owner was truly appreciated and did not go to waste. Thanks to the vets and Humane Society for their concern and help.

Bob Tanabe, La Cañada

Auto Club Sponsors Legislation

Drivers with high-tech keys for their newer-model cars may be in for a headache, because getting a replacement key can be a major hassle. Nowadays, as a security measure, most car keys contain an electronic chip that’s matched to a chip in the ignition. That means a locksmith needs a code from the auto manufacturer to program the replacement key to match the car’s ignition.

Auto manufacturers are increasingly reluctant to share key codes, making it more difficult for a locksmith to make a duplicate key. Last year, nearly 45,000 Auto Club members needed locksmith service. Not having a key code can turn a 20-minute service call into one that takes two hours or more. Or the owner may need to have the car towed to a dealership to have the key made. Either way, car owners who lose their keys are out additional time and money.

The Auto Club thinks that car owners should have better access to the information necessary to replace a lost, broken or stolen ignition key and to help ensure timely, convenient, reliable and affordable locksmith service. For that reason the Auto Club is sponsoring AB 714 currently before the California legislature. The bill will require the establishment of a safe, secure method for motorists to obtain the information necessary to reproduce today’s high-tech vehicle keys 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Please join us in letting your local legislators know how you feel about this important issue.

Friedie Forest, District Manager

Questioning Safety at LCHS

During the last 14 years I have been subjected to three attacks while delivering mail to La Cañada High School. All were from objects thrown from upper-level balconies facing Oak Grove Drive. After the last incident in October 2004 I refused to go back to the school on the grounds that it is unsafe due to repeated assaults. The principal at the time issued a letter stating that it was safe to return, despite showing no evidence of any real investigation into the incident or giving a promised announcement to the student body about the problem.

I believe the situation has been declared safe with the stroke of a pen and everything is fine, until the next incident. Now it appears that I am the problem, the bad guy, for trying to identify a student on the balcony, asking that the perpetrator be removed from campus, and because I mentioned the incident to a school employee who lives on my route. I perceive more of an effort to keep the latest incident quiet than to prevent the next one. I think that this is dangerous to anyone coming on campus. This is a serious problem which has been going on for decades. It needs to stop.

I am speaking up because I have been backed into a corner. I have been unable to talk to any school officials about any preventive measures in place. Statements from former students and a fellow employee indicate that this is a very long-term problem. If anyone has the courage to write a statement with their phone number, I will add it to those I have and show them to a judge in an attempt to get something done. No one will be forced to appear in court. For the safety of anyone walking on campus, including mailmen, I am asking that the people who are aware of this problem discuss it. I believe that to remain silent is to ensure future attacks.

Don La Breche Jr., La Crescenta
