
LCF Educational Foundation Welcomes New Directors

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It’s the season of giving -- giving thanks and giving gifts as we embark on the annual November-to-December holiday festivities. That makes it the perfect time to recognize the invaluable gift of time given to the La Cañada Flintridge Educational Foundation by all its volunteer directors, and an especially good time to welcome the new members who have joined the board this year.

“We’ve got an absolutely terrific set of directors this year,” said Renee LaBran, president of the LCFEF. “They put an incredible amount of time and energy into continuing to raise much-needed funds for our schools. They continue to astound me with their creativity and dedication, and it’s because of this that the LCF Educational Foundation was able to raise nearly $1.2 million last year.”

Each board member agrees to an initial three-year term with up to three successive additional years. The new 2005-2006 board members include Eric Heer, Garrett Kreditor, Scott Kim, Alison DePew, Mike Goldberg, Bert Eaton, Heaja Kim, Mike McConnell, McNally Sagal, Diana Schulz and Cater Swartzlander.

“On behalf of our community, its schools and our existing board of directors, I want to thank our newest members for joining the LCFEF board,” LaBran said.

The La Cañada Flintridge Educational Foundation is a working group of individuals, businesses, foundations, and community organizations committed to providing financial support for the public schools of La Cañada Flintridge. Foundation support allows the La Cañada Unified School District to continue such programs as class size reduction, art, drama and music instruction, and high school guidance and college counselors, among others.
