
Republicans, Democrats, Kiwanians Meet

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Local Republicans met on a recent evening at Dish Restaurant for the monthly meeting of the La Cañada Flintridge Republican Club. The keynote speaker was Mike Spence, an officer of the California Republican Assembly. Spence is also a 16 year member of the West Covina Board of Education.

Spence brought members up to date on how the state party organization views the past election and the plans the party has established to face the challenges that lie ahead in the 2006 election. Spence noted that propositions 73 and 75 could have been won if the Governor had drawn more of the party faithful, the base, to come out to vote.

The new Youth Detector, Michael Macho, presented plans he and Beth Sennett, the president of the youth organization have been making to expand the youth group beyond the high school to other high schools and to the middle school. He also reported on the current plans for a joint trip on Jan. 22 to the Reagan Library. The parent organization will be sponsoring the field trip and accompanying the young members to visit the library and to be part of a conducted tour of Air Force One.

Chairman Al Restivo noted that once again this year the local Republican Party organization will be collecting toys for the children at Five Acres in Pasadena. He urged all of the members in attendance and those who can contribute to assist in this charitable event. The Five Acres Wish List is varied and anyone in the public who wishes to contribute toys can contact him at 952-1969.

The next meeting of the organization will be held on Monday, Jan. 26, at Dish. All Republicans and Independents are invited to attend. For information call 952-1969.


The last La Cañada Democratic Club meeting before the holidays took place Nov. 20 at the home of Celina Lew and Edward Castro. Many local Democrats attended the meeting to hear the guest speaker, Richard Jacobs, chair of the Campaign for California’s Future, speak about the future of the Democratic Party in California.

Jacobs spoke about his view of what the Democrats have done recently and are likely to do next. He reviewed the recent special elections and his hopes for Democratic success through the use of grass roots movements. He envisions an effort to make California a model of great public education, health care coverage for all, a vibrant economy, energy independence, environmental preservation and a viable transportation system. His “Six Dreams” can be seen at the website:

The club plans to have a brief organizational meeting on Jan. 15 starting at 3 p.m. at 4954 Alta Canyada Road prior to hosting a fund-raising event on Jan. 29 from 3 -- 5 p.m. that will feature a presentation of the documentary “Bush’s Brain.” This special gathering will take place at La Cañada Elementary School, 4540 Encinas Drive.

Look for future announcements or check out the club’s website at for more information.20051215irgkx3kn(LA)20051215irgqbbkn(LA) Kiwanians Evelyn Barley, M.C. Hill, Dave Hemstreet and Joe and Lynne Thompson pantomime Maids-a-Milking. 20051215irgqarkn(LA)As top bidder for a mysterious White Elephant package, Tim Scheck followed the enclosed directions to find and take possession of the infamous AM Kiwanis fish. 20051215irgqacknRichard Jacobs
