
Kiwanis-AM, LCF Republicans Report Christmas Activities

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It is well known that the Kiwanis-AM are music lovers; some even think of them as song fanatics. They never fail to open their Wednesday meetings without a rousing song, nor will they ever be caught closing their meetings without a song. This musical endeavor is ably directed by Brian Hummel.

Usually the singing is done for the members own pleasure, such as at their Christmas Party hosted by Jim and Sherrill Carbonetti. There they were even treated to some delightful solos. However, the members were really fired up when they were allowed not only to sing but to act out the verses in “A Partridge in a Pear Tree.” Those familiar with this carol will remember that in the tenth verse some serious “leaping” takes place.

Kiwanis-AM also take their song outside the member circle. Every year at Christmas time the Club walk the floors at Verdugo Hills Hospital singing Christmas carols and lifting the spirit of patients and hospital workers alike.

Kiwanis-AM is involved in and support a variety of community services, such as Scouting and other local youth organizations, LCHS Music Department, LCF Educational Foundation, the Descanso Harvest Garden, the Lanterman House Garden.

The club is always looking for new members. Those interested should call Lorena Bunting, 790-3044, ext. 306.


Members of the La Cañada Flintridge Republican Club recently collected toys for children who reside at Five Acres in Altadena. The facility is operated by The Boys and Girls’ Aid Society of Los Angeles.

According to Cathy Gillespie, “Too many children are abused and left to cope with life alone. Too many get trapped in a system that tries to help. The fortunate ones come to a place like Five Acres where play is healing, school is therapeutic, and cottage life is nurturing.” Ms. Gillespie, the on-duty supervisor, received the gifts from Republican leaders on behalf of the facility.

The local group has helped the facility each Christmas by collecting toys each year for the boys and girls of the facility. “We don’t have to wait for Christmas to help these children,” said Chairman Al Restivo. He urged La Cañadans to take the time to bring toys to the children whenever they become available.
