
Scott Says UC Pay Audit is the Right Step

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Two prominent California state senators, one of them Jack Scott, who represents La Cañada Flintridge and other West San Gabriel Valley cities, say the University of California is on the right track by recognizing the need for an outside audit to restore public confidence in UC compensation practices.

UC has been in the spotlight in recent months due to revelations about $871 million in bonuses and other perks given to UC employees during the last fiscal year with little or no public disclosure.

“Future legislative hearings will shine much needed light on these compensation practices as well as give the public an opportunity to testify on this matter,” Scott, chair of the Senate Education Committee, stated this week.

Scott and Sen. Jackie Speier, chair of the Senate Select Committee on Government Cost Control, plan to hold hearings in early February on UC’s compensation practices for employees.

“We cannot tolerate secret pay deals,” said Speier. “UC’s announcement demonstrates its awareness of the importance of conducting its affairs in the open.”

Speier recently concluded the fourth of five hearings on the challenges facing the UC system as it seeks to retain its reputation as a world-class center for learning, research and scientific innovation.
