
Guild Hosts Lunch, Installation

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The La Cañada Flintridge Orthopaedic Guild (LCFOG) held a Luncheon and 2006 Officer Installation at the home of Liz Argue. Officers for the coming year include: President Margot Siess, Vice President Mary Lou Morrison, Treasurer Joanne Ploszaj, Corresponding Secretary Carlotta De Francisco and Recording Secretary Elinor Bunn.

Maria Aguilar, International Children’s Program Coordinator at the Los Angeles Orthopaedic Hospital, was in attendance. Guild members brought Christmas gifts for children of the Valley Orthopaedic Clinic in Calexico, “Where Hope Meets Help.” Maria collected the gifts for transport to Calexico.

The Clinic, founded in the early 1960s by Dr. Lowman and his wife, is now serviced by LA-based medical professionals. The Valley Clinic in Calexico is serviced one weekend a month, at times seeing over 200 patients on a weekend.

Last weekend, Guild members Caryl Pettit, Margot Siess, Sherry Schwartz, Carolyn Stultz and Jean Silliman made the trip to Calexico to be a part of the Christmas festivities for children of the Clinic. The expedition began at the Hawthorne Airport, boarding participants on a commuter airplane. Also along for the trip from the International Children’s Program were Maria Aguilar; Jessica Savage, manager, foundation events; Joe Naylor, director for gift planning; and Corinna Smith. Corrina and her husband, Dr. Chad Smith, current director of the International Children’s Program, have been dedicated to the Clinic for 40 years.

On arrival in Calexico, guides with vans escorted travelers to the Clinic, where children patients were waiting. After introductions to the doctors and staff, the party area was set up, children had visits with Santa Claus, Guild members worked arts and crafts with the children, and gifts were distributed. The Clinic served a delicious lunch of homemade tortillas and tamales. Free time in the afternoon permitted a little shopping across the border. The day was capped with a trip to Mexicali for dinner and dancing. After a night at a Calexico motel, the group made the short flight back to the Hawthorne Airport.

The next LCFOG event will be the annual Presidents Luncheon, hosted by the past and current presidents. The event will be held on Jan. 5 at the home of Dawn Rothfield.20051222irricpnc(LA)IN CALEXICO -- (From left, back row) Joe Naylor, Corrina Smith, Caryl Pettit and an unidentified member of the party with (front row) Jean Silliman, Margot Siess and Jessica Savage make Christmas party preparations at the Valley Clinic in Calexico.20051222irric7nc(LA)A GIFT -- Caryl Pettit presents a gift to a Clinic child.
