
Center Announces Classes

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The official Roger Barkley Community Center groundhog has determined there will be six more weeks of winter. And what better way to celebrate the extension of the season than to enroll in classes at the Roger Barkley Community Center?

There is still time to make good on those New Year’s resolutions. Get in shape, save money, and do something fun for yourself and your family at the RBCC. Winter 2006 Session II programs begin Monday, February 20.

New classes such as Lil’ Shutterbugs and Jr. Shutterbugs, both focusing on the fun and creative side of photography for kids, are making their debut while classes like Fun with Clay, Babysitter’s Training, Tiny Tot Ballet and Adult Ceramics are being offered again for Session II.

The RBCC also announces Cartoon Drawing and Comic Book Art in 3D, a class designed for boys and girls ages 6 through 15. This creative and artistic class welcomes artists of all skill levels. Instructor, Jennifer Swain, professional graphic artist and designer of the 2003 and 2004 La Cañada Flintridge Roses Parade floats, keeps the class focus on encouraging students to stretch their imagination and create unique characters and original comic style story lines.

As the students develop the techniques of animated drawing, creating depth and shape to characters and objects, as well as movement throughout the scenes, their story will appear in three dimensions and come to life. The six-week class is offered on Thursdays from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m., beginning Feb. 23.
