
Couple of Valor to be Honored

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Long-standing Temple Sinai of Glendale members Jack and Louise Mayeri Spillman will be honored at a Feb. 26 dinner. Now grandparents, the Spillmans began their membership in 1965 and raised three sons while at Temple Sinai. Jack is a former Temple president, and was also chair of the rabbinic search committee that brought Carole Meyers to Temple Sinai, who, at the time, was only the third woman to be ordained as a rabbi. Jack recently served on the Temple’s rabbinic search team again, which brought the current Rabbi, Rick Schechter, to Temple Sinai.

Louise has served as president of the Temple’s sisterhood group, Women of Reform Judaism. She also has the distinction of reading from the Torah at every Yom Kippur service since 1982. The Spillmans have both been on the Temple’s board of directors and various other committees.

Jack, now retired, had a distinguished career in advertising. Louise had careers in both retail management and documentary producing, and now writes children’s books.

Donations in their honor may be made to the Temple’s campership program, which helps send Temple youth who couldn’t otherwise afford it to camp. For further information, call 246-8101. Louise and Jack Mayeri Spillman20060216iup5dbnc(LA)
