
P.E.O.’s Encouraged to Spread Message

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More than 250 women from Glendale, La Crescenta and La Cañada Flintridge, representing 750 members in 17 local chapters, recently attended their annual Founders’ Day Luncheon at the Castaway restaurant in Burbank.

Glendale reciprocity Bureau officers are: Ellen Ostoich, Chapter IH president; Mary Margaret Smith, Chapter HG vice president; Judy Gorham, Chapter VS recording secretary; Marlene Hitt, Chapter DJ corresponding secretary and Barbara Canady, Chapter FF treasurer.

The theme of the event was “P.E.O. Sparkles!” The P.E.O. sisterhood founded in 1869,is a philanthropic and educational organization that supports many projects devoted to furthering women’s education.

Mabel Otis, past president International Chapter, was the keynote speaker. She encouraged P.E.O.’s to spread the word concerning the organization’s mission of educating women, the many friendships developed throughout the world the retirement homes owned by the organization, Cottey Junior College in Nevada, Missouri, owned and operated by P.E.O.’s and what P.E.O. means to each and every member.

Special recognition was given to attending 50+, 60+ and 70+ year members in attendance.

Founder’s Day Chairman Mary Margaret Smith HG was assisted by: Vivian Ben Chapter JI, decorations; Barbara Canady, FF; Bea Reynolds, BA and Jane McCreary L, program; Betty Bollier OM, Sue Ann Tate KO, tickets and reservations; Barbara Dennerline hospitality and Barbara Johnson MQ, courtesy.
