
‘Unrighteous Steward’ Topic of Sermon

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Fr. Hovsep Hagopian of the Armenian Apostolic Church will deliver the sermon on the fourth week of Lent, which denotes the Sunday of the Unrighteous Steward, at the 10:30 a.m. worship service on March 19.

The congregation meets at the Lanterman Auditorium, 4491 Cornishon Ave., La Cañada.

The Sunday of the Unrighteous Steward is a parable, where Jesus tells about a wealthy man who had a steward who managed his properties, according to Fr. Hagopian. The parable shows what attitude believers should have toward money, and encourages the believer to be wise and productive in God’s service.

The wealthy man symbolizes God and the steward symbolizes mankind. All the good things in life are God’s creation; man is only a steward over them and not a proprietor. God has provided all these things so that man can use them as a means of preparation for the life to come.

The parable has also another message, namely, it is more important to make friends than money because friends will be there to help you when in need.

For more information about the church, call 326-4725.
