
Parks Panel OKs Kiwanis Event

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The La Cañada Flintridge Parks and Recreation Commission last week granted a permit and fee waiver to the Kiwanis Club for a wine and food fund-raiser scheduled for Sept. 17 in Memorial Park.

This year’s event will be combined with a fine wine auction, according to club officials. Club members will be allowed to set up the day before.

The commission also heard preliminary information on the annual Music in the Park program, scheduled for May through August on Sundays in Memorial Park.

Commissioners were told there would likely be repeat appearances by some of the bands from last year, including Captain Cardiac and the Coronaries and a Jimmy Buffet tribute band, Garret Wilkin and the Parrotheads. The LCF Community Band will also perform, and a jazz band made up of Jet Propulsion Laboratory employees may be added.

The city will also try to set up a battle of the bands for local groups, for a date in July. A firm schedule will come back to the commission at a later meeting.

The commissioners also asked for a report on items stored on the fields by local sports groups, after a report of a child being injured watching a game. The city will inform the group that items must be secured on the fence for safety.
