
LCE Students to Sell Sweets for City of Hope

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LCE’s annual spring See’s Candy fundraiser is off to a sweet start ? this time, with a charitable twist. This year, the LCE Student Council is selling chocolate bunnies and springtime treats through March 23 for the City of Hope’s cancer patients.

LCE students support charitable causes throughout the year, with events such as a winter food drive and a collection for Hurricane Katrina victims. But this is the first time the students have linked their springtime See’s Candy fundraiser to support a charitable cause. Student council members voted to give the proceeds to City of Hope.

Items that can be purchased for the City of Hope are just $4 each. Choices include foil-wrapped chocolate bunnies, chocolate eggs in a variety of flavors and an assortment of chocolates presented in a springtime chick box.

In addition to buying chocolates for the City of Hope, there is a wide selection of treats available for general purchase. In addition to the bunnies and springtime treats, buyers making a general purchase can select from gourmet lolly pops, peanut brittle, truffles, novelty chocolate assortments and gift certificates. Prices range from $4 to $28.20.

The chocolates can be purchased from any LCE student through March 23. Purchasers should specify whether their purchase is for the City of Hope when ordering.

At the conclusion of the fundraiser, members of the LCE Student Council will personally deliver the treats to the City of Hope in mid-April.
