
‘The Scars Remain’ Topic of Sermon


“The Scars Remain” will be the sermon topic of Rev. Skip Lindeman at the 10 a.m. worship service on May 7 at Church of the Lighted Window, 1200 Foothill Blvd. Included in the service will be the sacrament of holy communion.

The church’s youth will be in the narthex to greet the arriving worshipers. Visitors are welcome.

The chancel choir, under the direction of Harold Daugherty, will perform “The Lord is My Shepherd” by John Rutter. Joe Klice will provide the accompaniment.

Church School for all ages begins at 10 a.m. During the month of April the children are invited into the opening of the worship hour prior to their class time. At 10:45 a.m. there is a Bible Award class led by Theresa Servin, director of Christian Education.

Nursery care is available for infants and toddlers.

At the conclusion of the service coffee and tea will be served in Fellowship Hall. Members of the Board of Christian Education will host the coffee hour. All are welcome.

Church of the Lighted Window is a Congregational Church affiliated with the United Church of Christ.

For additional information, call the church office at 790-1185.
