
Two Scholarships for Local Students from V.H.A.A.

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Verdugo Hills Art Association has chosen two high school students to receive scholarships. During the organization’s June general meeting two recipients from Crescenta Valley High School will be honored. Megan Nelson and Raymen Assaf will display their work and both will receive their scholarship checks at the general meeting on June 3. The presentation will take place in the Citibank Community Room at 2350 Honolulu Blvd. in Montrose.

Megan Nelson is a talented senior who will be attending BYU in the fall with plans to eventually enter into the university’s art department. She has taken art lessons for four years and ceramics for two years. In her sophomore and senior years she received distinguished students awards. Megan’s artistic endeavors also include studies in music. She has played the flute for four years in the Crescenta Valley High School marching band, was the flute section leader and band historian. She has also been involved with Girls League and CSF.

Raymen Assaf, the other scholarship winner, will attend UC San Diego in the fall with a pre-med path and an art minor. Ray was vice president and president of the CVF art club and was named “best artist” by his senior art class peers. He has taken art courses at Art Center, has worked on the sets for the high school stage productions and has been extremely active in service and sports at Crescenta Valley High School. He was won many awards such as Student of the Month, the Virtue Award, and the Dartmouth College Book Award. He works at the YMCA as a life guard, and has accumulated 100 hours of community service.

Other features of the general meeting will be the presentation of the incoming board members, a display of the works by new members of the organization and an additional display of member work which will include an election of VHAA’s Artist of the Year.

Guests are welcome and will be invited to apply for fall membership and the new art year which begins in September.
