
Nicole Roberts and Jeremy Guinta Engaged

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A summer wedding is planned by Nicole Marie Roberts and Jeremy John Guinta, whose engagement was announced at a family party.

The bride-to-be’s parents are Mr. and Mrs. Gary Roberts of La Crescenta; her grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Tom Densmore of Glendale. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Guinta of La Cañada Flintridge are the groom’s parents.

Nicole is a graduate of Crescenta Valley High School and California State University, Northridge. She is a member of the CVHS Alumni Chorale. Currently, Nicole is a substitute teacher within the La Cañada Unified School District.

Jeremy graduated from St. Francis High School and the University of California at Davis. He is employed at a Los Angeles area economics consulting firm.lso-engage.0629.jpg-BPhotoInfoVI1SE76520060629j1hl8nnc(LA)-- TO WED ? Nicole Roberts and Jeremy Guinta plan a summer wedding.
