
Local Students Awarded AT&T; Scholarships

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Four La Cañada Flintridge students have been awarded scholarships from the AT&T; Foundation, the philanthropic arm of AT&T; Inc.

The scholarships are awarded to students based on an individual’s overall merit, including academics, leadership skills and work experience. Local recipients are San Diego State University student Alyssa Bosley of La Crescenta, and from La Cañada Flintridge, University of California-Berkeley student Valerie Chen, University of California-Irvine student Karun Gogna and Columbia University student Janet Lee. Each recipient will receive a $2,500 scholarship.

“The AT&T; Scholarship Program helps our employees’ families in Los Angeles and across the country meet the challenges of escalating tuition costs and enables students to achieve their educational potential,” said Debbie Barba, AT&T; vice president and general manager Orange/Riverside and LA region.

The scholarships are awarded to students of employees that are pursuing undergraduate study at accredited four-year and two-year colleges and universities, as well as United States military academies. As long as students maintain scholastic guidelines they can renew their scholarships annually.

“We congratulate the 2006 scholarship recipients including Alyssa Bosley, Valerie Chen, Karun Gogna and Janet Lee,” Barba said.
