
Holiday Spirits Lifted by Montrose Christmas Parade

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Holiday spirit lined Honolulu Avenue on Saturday night for the 30th annual Montrose Christmas Parade. According to the Glendale Police Department there were more than 50,0000 people that attended this years parade.

Parade enthusiast began lining the avenue with lawn chairs and blankets early in the morning, making certain that they got the most perfect seat. Over 100 entries entertained and waved to holiday crowds along the parade route. Included in those entries was La Cañada High School marching band that waited for their turn to march and play.

“I think it was a terrific parade,” said John Drayman, president of the Montrose Shopping Park. “It was everything that a home town Christmas parade should be with lots of kids and organizations around the community.”

Because of the 30 year anniversary the parade organizers wanted this event to hearken back to family and community values. The parade was originated by La Cañada resident and MGM star Dennis Morgan. In that Hollywood vane, this year’s Grand Marshall was actor Mickey Rooney. He along with his wife, Jan, rode with family members in a horse drawn carriage.

This was good for the community, Drayman said. “It was also great way for merchants in Montrose to start out this holiday shopping season.”
