
Crescenta Valley High School Delivers Christmas Help

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Students and teachers of Crescenta Valley High School last week delivered approximately 7,000 cans of food for the Crescenta Valley Sheriff Station’s 19th Annual Christmas Toy and Food Drive.

The very generous donation will allow each of the 186 families being assisted by CVSS to receive not only food for their holiday dinner but for many more meals.

Teacher John Pehar organized the food drive but gives much of the credit for the success of the effort to teachers Matt Schick, Pat Rabe, Kimberly Mathias and Vanessa Blackwood, who really spurred their homeroom students to actively support the drive and encourage their friends to “get with the program.”

“Without these teachers becoming so involved we could never have had this success,” Pehar said. “The students in another homeroom, guided by teacher Michelle Wood, decided money was the best way for them to contribute and collected $376. Teacher Derrel Furutani’s class brought in the most items, including many toys.”

The student body of CVHS also supported a homeless teenage program in Oceanside. “Stand Up for Kids” will receive toiletries, clothes and sewing kits.

Joanne Berg, a volunteer at the Crescenta Valley Sheriff’s Station, was amazed by what the students had accomplished.

“These teens are all heroes in our minds. Anyone who believes teens care only for themselves should meet these kids!” said Berg.
