
Civic Corner:Local Kiwanians Visit Sacramento

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Six Kiwanis Club Division 3 members traveled recently to Sacramento for an Interclub gathering.

The first stop was at the Kiwanis Family House where Kiwanis Lt. Gov. Daryal Gant, representing his home club La Cañada, along with Diane Della Valle, president-elect; Patsy Christianson and Mary Gant were joined by La Cañada A.M. member Dave Hemstreet and Ted Ashby of the Eagle Rock Club. They were treated to an extensive tour and a spaghetti lunch.

There were about 40 Kiwanians interclubbing, they represented East Sacramento-Midtown, Sacramento Suburban, KFH and West Sacramento, as well as the three clubs from Division 3. All funds collected during the event were donated to the Kiwanis Family House for a total donation of more than $500.

Next the local group proceeded to the state Capitol building for a tour arranged for by one of the members of the La Cañada Club who is now serving in the state Assembly, Anthony Portantino. He was in Washington at the time of their visit, but called in and they all teleconferenced.
