
Retired Teacher Luncheon

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Monday, June 4, the Glendale-Foothill Division of the California Retired Teachers’ Association will have their June luncheon meeting at the Elks Lodge, 120 E. Colorado St., Glendale. Social time begins at 11:30 a.m. and lunch follows at noon. The cost is $11 and reservations can be made at 841-1460. Deadline for reservations is Thursday, May 31. All retired educators and administrators are welcome.

The program consists of the awarding of scholarships to four Glendale Community College students who are pursuing careers in education and will be transferring to four-year universities in the fall. The scholarship award recipients are Cord Greene, Arash Taheri Lotfi, Mery Vardanian, and Ripsime Begoyan. The recipients have been selected for their interest in teaching, their academic excellence, and their community service. The dean of student affairs from Glendale Community College, as well as representatives of local government officials, will also honor the recipients.
